Page 42 - Summit Brochure Final
P. 42


       Network History: At a Glance

                                                                                        J U N E   2 0 1 7
                                                                                         CPA VISIT
                                                                    M A R C H   2 0 1 7  Our network is invited  S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 7
                                                                                       to be featured in CPA
                                                                    CANADIAN SMALL     Magazine. Freelance  CPA MAGAZINE
                                          J A N U A R Y   2 0 1 7   BUSINESS WOMEN     journalist Lisa Van de  FEATURE
        J U N E   2 0 1 6                    TRIEC PINS                 EVENT          Geyn attends the June  Featured in CPA Canada
                                                                                       member meeting as an
      NETWORK CONCEPT  O C T O B E R   2 0 1 6  MEMBERSHIP          Presenter: Dwania  observer.        Magazine's article about
       Jenny formed a pre-                 Invited to join the      McLarty-Peele Owner                 the importance of
       network launch  NETWORK LAUNCH      Toronto Regional         and Director from  Change Management  Professional Immigrant
       brainstorming group.  Soft LinkedIn launch  Immigrant Employment  Canadian Small  Presentation by Yvonne  Networks.
                        to the world! .    Council's Professional   Business Women.    Ruke Akpoveta.
                                           Immigrant Networks.

                                                                            M A Y   2 0 1 7    J U L Y   2 0 1 7
            J U L Y   2 0 1 6  D E C E M B E R   2 0 1 6  F E B R U A R Y   2 0 1 7  HOUSE OF PRAISE   CPA MAGAZINE
            VISION AND         ROUND TABLE           TAX UPDATE           BALANCE LIVING       PHOTOSHOOT
             MISSION          Core values of the   Presenter: Shavon        CONFERENCE        Several members
                                                   Hyatt (network
                              network are agreed,
                              defined and          member) outlines the   Our network is invited  attend a photoshoot for
          Network vision and  documented on our    impact of personal /   to participate as an  pictures to accompany
          mission agreed,     YouTube Channel.     business tax rule      exhibitor at the    the  CPA Magazine
          defined and                              changes.               Business Exhibition.   article.

                    B l a c k   F e m a l e   A c c o u n t a n t s   N e t w o r k

           @ b f a n n e t w o r k   b f a n n e t w o r k . w o r d p r e s s . c o m
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