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METALWORKING EQUIPMENT                                                                                                                                                                               METALWORKING EQUIPMENT
         AND TOOLS                                                                                                                                                                                            AND TOOLS
               ● running-in wear h0, µm, as the amount                under  the following conditions: sliding                   hardening has the minimum values of the friction coefficient, running-in time and wear. The
        of approach, determined at the time of the end                speed υ = 1 m / s; normal loading force N =                wear curves for samples of P18 steel and with a coating of the Ti-Al-N and Mo-Cr-N systems are
        of running-in t0;                                             100 ± 0.5 %, N (corresponds to pressures                   characterized by an accelerated increase in wear after wear of the coating. The wear curve for
               ● value of the coefficient of friction at the          calculated  according  to Hertz, about  150                45 steel after CEMT is more stable.
        end of tests f                                                MPa);  the  type  of  initial contact  is  plastic                According to the results of tribotechnical tests, it was found that the rate of wear of the
               ● f0 / f is the ratio of the maximum value             saturated;  type  of  lubrication - boundary;              friction surface of samples of normalized 45 steel with a gradient structure of the surface layer
        of the friction coefficient during the running-in             type of lubrication - by dipping; the leading              after implantation with tungsten carbides and subsequent electromechanical hardening during
        period f0 to its value at the end of the tests f;             type of wear is fatigue; lubricant - industrial            the period of normal wear is less comparing (values for the total test time are indicated in
               ●  average  value  of  the  wear  rate  during         oil  I - 20A (GOST 20799  - 88);  indenter                 parentheses):
        the period of normal wear                                     material - hard alloy VK8; total test time of                     ● with heat-treated samples - 2.4 (2.7) times;
               Ih = (h - h0) / (L - L0),                              each sample - 8 hours.                                            ● with samples after PVD (coating of the Ti-Al-N system) - 2.2 (1.7) times;
        where h, μm is the total amount of sample wear                       The  results  of  testing  samples                         ● with samples after PVD (coating system Mo-Cr-N) - 2.1 (1.6) times.
        during the test; L, μm - the friction path traversed          processed  using the above  technologies                   The wear resistance of R18 steel with various coatings according to the test results (Table 6)
        by the sample surface during the test; L0 = 3.6•              on  the  modernized  MI-1M  installation are               belongs to the 7th class, and the wear resistance of 45 steel with a gradient structure to the
        109 • t0 • υ, μm - friction path traversed by the             presented in Table 6.                                      8th class.
        sample surface during the running-in time;                           In  Table 6,  in addition to the  value                    Thus, the high wear resistance of the gradient structure of the 45 steel layer with implanted
               ● the value of the wear rate for the total             of  wear  h,  indicators  of  the  intensity  of           tungsten carbides is a consequence of compositional hardening due to the formation of highly
        test time IhΣ = h / L.                                        wear are presented. Wear resistance is the                 dispersed  carbide  structures  (Fig.  2)  based  on  tungsten  carbides  (size  less  than  1  μm)  of
               The choice of  the  optimal method of                  reciprocal of the wear rate.                               various morphologies (mesh, thread, grain), and as a consequence, higher values of hardness
        hardening  the  friction  surfaces  according  to                    Fig.  3  -  6  show  the  test  results  of         in comparison with the hardness of a typical tool R18 steel (Table 4, Table 5).
        the  parameters  of  tribotechnical  tests  can  be           samples with graphs of changes in wear and
        made on the basis of the definition of the above              coefficient of friction over time. Comparison
        criteria and their comparison. In this case, the              of the results of tribotechnical tests of the
        more wear-resistant is the friction surface with              samples by the normalized method showed                    Table 6.
        lower values  of  the  wear  intensity,  duration             that 45  steel with a gradient structure of                Results of tribotechnical tests on the upgraded MI-1M installation
        running-in, coefficient of friction, as well as with          the  surface  layer  with  implanted  tungsten
        a falling characteristic of the curve of changing             carbides and subsequent electromechanical                          tribotechnical            indicator                    Indicator value for the sample
        the coefficient of friction over time.                                                                                               quality                                Р18 steel       Р18 steel +     Р18 steel +      45 steel +
               Tests  of  the  samples  were  carried out                                                                                                                                            Ti-Al-N         Mo-Cr-N           CEMT

                                                                                                                                        conformability                t0, h            1,12            0,58             0,75            0,45
                                                                                                                                                                    h0, μm              7,5            1,30             1,50            1,70
                                                                                                                                                                      f0/f             1,61            1,42             1,46            1,19
                                                                                                                                       antifrictionality                f              0,31            0,32             0,25            0,24
                                                                                                                                        wear resistance              h, μm             16,1            9,70             9,60             4,6

                                                                                                                                                                    lh·10 -10          3,44            3,12             3,09            1,44
                                                                                                                                                                    lhƩ·10 -10         5,55            3,35             3,32            2,03

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Fig. 5. Results of testing a sample of P18 steel after
        Fig. 4. Results of testing a sample of P18 steel after PVD (application of a coating of the Ti-Al-N system to the sample                                                                   PVD (application of a coating of the Mo-Cr-N system
        surface).                                                                                                                                                                                  to the sample surface

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