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AND TOOLS Resource management
today - tomorrow's business
1. The possibility of applying coatings based on tungsten carbides by plastic deformation Press release
on structural carbon steels has been shown for the first time. opportunities For immediate release -
2. In fact, the surface layer of 45 carbon steel is a gradient structure of R18 tool steel, August 27, 2020
with a higher hardness as a result of composite hardening by precipitated carbide phases of Sandvik Coromant, an expert in cutting tools
various morphology. and tooling systems, has announced the develop-
3. The gradient structure is a cellular supercooled austenite stabilized by tungsten and ment of an innovative tungsten recovery and
reinforced with a carbide mesh consisting of highly dispersed aggregated (less than 1 μm in recycling process, jointly with Wolfram Bergbau und
size) filiform and rounded tungsten carbide particles. Hütten. The process is part of Sandvik Coromant's
4. The presence of a gradient structure, which has a smooth transition into the main global sustainability program and it is designed to
metal matrix of 45 steel, provides monolithic adhesion of hardened layers, which do not peel off provide value to its customers
from each other during wear.
5. Modification of the friction surface of 45 steel due to implantation and composite
hardening with tungsten carbide powder by the CEMT method can significantly increase the
wear resistance of friction surfaces, which is confirmed by tribotechnical tests. Tungsten is an essential component of reuse at its end of life.
solid carbide tools. Its reserves are estimated "It is obvious that the resources of our planet
at seven million tons, which will be enough, are not infinite, therefore we strive to use
approximately, for only 100 years. In this regard, them rationally and reduce, if possible,
rational use of resources, a circular economy and our impact on the environment. In our
environmental friendliness are key areas of focus opinion, industrial enterprises, in turn, also
for the leading players in the industry, including promote the concept of reuse and recycling
Sandvik Coromant, which has been developing of resources. This is important not only for
its recycling program for several years. the environment, but also for the return on
As part of the program, the company investment of the companies themselves. We
accepts carbide tools for processing, not only its invite our customers to take part in a program
own, but also solutions from other manufacturers, that addresses three of their needs at once
regardless of size, industry and location. Used - to dispose of used tools, reduce costs and
tools are sent to Austria for recycling by Sandvik improve environmental friendliness," notes
Coromant, where, after initial crushing, they are Andrey Pashenko, Sales Director, Russia
ground into powder, which, through chemical Sandvik LLC.
cleaning and other conversion processes,
becomes an alloy component for new tools.
Among the main advantages of this
Fig. 6. Results of testing a sample of 45 steel after the formation of a layer implanted with approach are the reduction in the amount of raw
tungsten carbides and subsequent electromechanical hardening (CEMT).. materials required for production, as well as a
decrease in energy consumption, since making
new carbide tools from recycled materials requires
70 % less energy than producing from virgin Sandvik coromant
materials. In addition, recycling materials reduces Sandvik Coromant, part of the international
A.O. Gorlenko, Academician of the Academy of Quality Problems, Sandvik industrial group, is a leading
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. carbon dioxide emissions from manufacturing by
S.V. Davydov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. 40 %. global tool manufacturer and innovator
Bryansk State Technical University. By becoming a participant in the program, for the metalworking industry. Large-scale
the customer not only takes care of the investments in research and development,
environment, but also solves the problem of their the formation of new standards and
own production waste by selling the used tool. partnerships with customers ensure the
For businesses where drilling plays a key cre-ation of new processing technologies
role in production, the company offers a range and production development. Sandvik
References: Coromant holds over 3,100 patents
of robust solid drills, which has recently been
1. Davydov S.V. The structure of wear-resistant surface layers with implanted detonation synthesis nanodiamonds / S.V. expanded with the CoroDrill® 860, which is worldwide, employs over 7,900 employees
Davydov, A.O. Gorlenko, V.M. Skantsev, M. Yu. Kurakin // Metallurgy and heat treatment of metals. 2014. No. 5 (707). pp. 46 more wear resistant and more productive than and is represented in 150 countries.
- 50. For more information see
2. Gorlenko A.O. Hardening of friction surfaces of machine parts during electrical mechanical processing / A.O. Gorlenko // its predecessor CoroDrill® R840.
Vestn. BSTU. 2011. No. 3. pp. 4 - 8. High wear resistance allows fewer
3. Gorlenko A.O. Pulse electromechanical processing / A.O. Gorlenko, O. A. Gorlenko // Science-intensive technologies in tool changes, which means to reduce the
mechanical engineering. 2011. No. 6 (06). pp. 21 - 25. Share with us on social networks:
4. Gorlenko A.O. Technological increase in wear resistance of cylindrical friction surfaces / А.О. Gorlenko, V.P. Matlakhov // environmental foot-print of the enterprise.
Friction and lubrication in machines and mechanisms. 2010. No. 5. pp. 20 - 26. In addition, CoroDrill® 860, like the Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | LinkedIn
5. Gorlenko A.O. Tribotechnical tests of surfaces of parts by the normalized method. Reference book. / A.O. Gorlenko, M.I. company's other tooling solutions, can be
Prudnikov // Engineering Journal. Appendix No. 10. 2009. pp. 22 - 24.
returned to Sandvik Coromant for recycling and
18 Stanochniy park