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        reinventing itself, collectively and ambitiously.  be devised, created, and entirely organised by a
        It’s a major fundamental shift that’s taking pla-  vineyard firmly grounded in its region. From the
        ce across industries: in the technique, sector  show’s layout, the cases’ design, their shipment,
        management, marketing, and sales dynamics,  printing, assembling, bottling, to the whole
        etc., and the most recent example of this is the  creative and digital design processes, every-
        innovative DigiTasting initiative. Having been  thing will be carried out by local craftsmen and
        the first vineyard to put together a major re-  service providers within a radius of fewer than
        sponse to the current situation right from the  75 km.“
        first lockdown, Alsace is once again the first to
        innovate in the strategic field of trade shows!   How to attend Millésimes Alsace DigiTas-
        We remain a small vineyard globally, but we  ting ?
        are ambitious and determined to achieve our   z Register free of charge at www.millesi-
        goals. Alsace has a strong history and is resolu- (for professionals only).
        tely turned towards the future!’           z Receive your registration details and per-
                                                 sonal codes.
          Didier PETTERMANN, Chairman of CIVA -    z Explore all the 100 exhibitors and select
        Conseil Interprofessionnel des Vins d’Alsa-  the wineries whose wines you would like to
        ce: „The current context should not be an excuse,   taste.
        but rather a sign. Alsace’s capacity for innovation   z Order your sample boxes (while stocks
        continues to grow, and we are part of the action.   last):
        With this initiative, we wanted to combine cen-  z Receive your boxes free of charge at the
        tury-old know-how with cutting-edge techno-  address of your choice and taste them during
        logies. It’s fascinating! Digital technology is not   the show.
        an end in itself: its primary purpose is to bring   z On the day: attend the show at
        people together and make the virtual and phy- from June 7–9, 2021, taste
        sical worlds work together. Wine is not a product   the samples with their producer, meet virtua-
        like any other. It is both intangible because of   lly any other producer, and attend a rich pro-
        the emotions it evokes and very real thanks to its    gramme packed with activities.
        terroirs and the men and women who produce it.   z You can access the platform for 1 year
        Millésimes Alsace DigiTasting aims to generate   and attend new conferences, tastings, in-dep-
        synergy between the real and the virtual worlds   th discussions, get in touch with other produ-
        and create a relevant and successful exhibition   cers, etc.
        designed to provide a quality experience for visi-
        tors and exhibitors alike.“                               Tasting boxes orders
                                                                 from March 29 to May 2,
          Philippe BOUVET, Marketing Director of                 2021.
        CIVA - Conseil Interprofessionnel des Vins               #DrinkAlsace
        d’Alsace, responsible for trade show ‘made               #VinsAlsace
        in Alsace’: „Millésimes Alsace DigiTasting is a          #Digitasting
        responsible initiative launched by the Conseil            #MillesimesAlsaceDigi-
        Interprofessionnel des Vins d’Alsace. The choi-  Tasting
        ce of glass for the mini-flutes, which can be re-
        cycled ad infinitum, is in line with its optimised
        waste recovery strategy.       
          Millésimes Alsace DigiTasting is a unique ini-
        tiative, and it is also the 1st virtual exhibition to   tasting  ƅ
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