P. 138
And here it is! Not only online tastings of individual
At the interface of ingenuity and populari- te a new format integrating virtual meetings
ty, Les Vins d’Alsace are launching Millésimes and real-life tastings: Millésimes Alsace Digi-
Alsace DigiTasting®, the 1st virtual trade show Tasting.
with real-life tastings organised exclusively by
cross-industry experts. So, what is the USP (= Unique Selling Pro-
In a fast-changing world where we constant- position) of this event? Prior to the show,
ly have to reinvent ourselves, Alsace is taking visitors will be offered tasting cases that
up a position, an audacious Alsace Wine Show, they will be able to taste with the wine-
ahead of the curve and entirely dedicated to maker during virtual meetings.
professionals. These boxes will contain some of the 4 still
Cancelled in 2020 given the current public wines that each of the 100 exhibitors has
health situation, Millésimes Alsace, the must- selected. Each box will be made up of 4 mini
-attend biannual trade fair organised by the glass bottles (3 cl mini-bottles) from the same
Vins d’Alsace, will indeed take place in 2021. producer, giving its taster a good idea of the
Driven by the dynamism of the Alsatian viney- winery’s expertise and personality.
ard, it will adopt an entirely new format this Consistent with the care provided to PDO
year. Entirely conceived and created by the (= Protected Designation of Origin) quality
Conseil Interprofessionnel des Vins d’Alsace wines, and in line with Alsace wines’ specifica-
(Interprofessional Wine Board of Alsace), the tions, the wines are bottled in their region of
show becomes Millésimes Alsace DigiTasting origin in a small glass shaped like a traditional
to combine the physical and digital worlds. Rhine flute. A unique technological process
First „phygital“ show entirely developed and guarantees the wines’ integrity: bottled in an
organised by a wine area, Millésimes Alsace inert atmosphere, they retain their most subt-
DigiTasting is a new way of exploring the full le qualities and aromas. By staying as close as
potential of Alsace wines. Combining real-life possible to the original product, this process
tastings and virtual meet-ups, this show, de- respects Alsace wines’ very essence.
vised on an international scale by local wine- With all the characteristics of a real trade
makers, is a first both for the French and global show, designed for professionals to talk about
wine industry. And with 100 exhibitors presen- wine.
ting 4 wines each, there are 400 wines listed! To meet our professionals’ expectations and
ensure that the products take centre stage,
MILLÉSIMES ALSACE DIGITASTING Millésimes Alsace DigiTasting has been orga-
Sharing ideas, meeting colleagues, and tas- nised accordingly.
ting wine: these are the priceless experiences By registering on the dedicated platform
that bring professionals together as they stroll, visitors can dis-
down the aisles of wine trade shows. Consci- cover all the wineries and access the wines’
ous of the need to take their destiny into their technical sheets. A filter system allows visitors
own hands, Alsace winemakers combined cur- to select the wines that best match their cri-
rent health and market requirements to crea- teria from among the 100 wineries and 400