P. 219
I‘m raving about Czech proverbs in this book, so here‘s another one: When
a herd is running around, it‘s good to run in the same direction. I‘ve mentio-
ned several times this year’s unique circumstances only released the water
on the mill wheel of RTDs. An ideal solution for socially distanced drinking
occasions. Over the next five years, IWSR forecasts that RTDs’ volume share
will overtake that of the entire spirits category stateside. Wow! Also wine-
maker Paul Ahvenainen mentioned RTDs as a strong competitor.
While convenience has always been a driver We tried 8%. We tried 7%, 6%, 12%. It was like the
of interest, in a time where the simple act of three bears: too soft or too hot. 9% had the best
going to the grocery store has become a tric- taste.”
ky feat, consumers appreciate convenience Several decades ago, they were mostly su-
now more than ever. Canned cocktails gary, made of unnatural ingredients
are pretty easy to add to your cart. Elimi- and relegated to the bottom shelf.
nating the cocktail preparation process Now, RTDs have advanced into higher
offers consumers ease and speed, but it quality, tapping into the premiumizati-
also requires less financial and time in- on trend. You meet their natural juices
vestment. “The RTD format of cocktails and extracts, herbs, botanicals. They
allows us to get as close to the bartender pretend to be a better and healthier
experience as possible without having to choice for your money.
source so many ingredients,” says Shawn Today´s RTDs are based on different
Peterka, the experiential project mana- alcohols.
ger for retailer Molly’s Spirits in Den- Sugar brew has become increasing-
ver. Consumers need not buy an entire ly popular as a low ABV base in recent
bottle of Campari (which produces its years. Sometimes called “sugar beer,” this
own bottled cocktail) to make a Negro- type of alcohol base is made by fermen-
ni or make their own simple syrup for a Marga- ting sugars from cane, beet, or corn.
rita or Old Fashioned. From a development perspective, sugar
“It’s just so convenient, and not just because brew is an attractive option for its neutral fla-
we miss that on-premises experience,” says vour and colourlessness. Because it’s naturally
Shawn Peterka, adding that RTD cocktails offer gluten free, it can also be a great fit for RTD
a grab-and-go cocktail option at any moment. products positioned as healthier alternatives
“Regardless of the application, the ability to sim- to other alcohol offers.
ply reach for that perfectly mixed, already chilled Malt base is made from fermented, partial-
can is refreshing.” ly germinated grains. Malt bases can come in
RTD hard seltzers are ideal for consumers the form of a “Neutral Malt Base” (NMB) or give
who want a bit more oomph in their canned a more beer-like profile to an RTD beverage
drink. These wine spritzers are 6.9% ABV but – that could be a benefit for attracting and
will go higher soon: “We needed to get these to converting beer drinkers, if that happens to be
taste like how bartender-made cocktails taste. part of your marketing plan.