P. 224
Martin Fousek
He graduated from the field of Company Economics and
Management at the Institute of Chemical Technology and
received his PhD. degree from the University of Economics.
He is the marketing director of BOHEMIA SEKT. He is
a professional with a remarkably deep and comprehensive
knowledge of every detail of marketing.
Working with the brand will be
even more important,
than ever before
The coronavirus pandemic has affected events, balls, company parties and private ce-
all aspects of life, including the wine indust- lebrations were all cancelled. Restaurants and
ry, and has set a „NEW NORMAL.“ During this bars are closed for a long time, almost nine
new situation for society as a whole, much has months and we don´t see the end. In all these
changed, including consumer behaviour, to places and on all the occasions mentioned,
which wine producers and traders have alrea- wine has its indispensable place, which it lost
dy had to respond. this year.
Bohemia Sekt is for a long time the most pur- It can be assumed that the mentioned
chased sparkling wine brand in the Czech Re- changes in the place of consumption and
public with a 70 percent share of the sparkling opportunities will also affect the way consu-
wine market. Still wines of “daughter” wineries mers decide on the choice of a particular pro-
- the Víno Mikulov, Habánské sklepy, Chateau duct and brand.
Bzenec and Vinařství Pavlov brands have gai- In the „on-trade“ segment, i.e., in restaurants,
ning fame, and, thanks to their quality, tradi- wine shops or bars, the consumer‘s decision is
tion, and Moravian origin, they are especially greatly influenced by the recommendations of
important players on the Czech market of still the sommelier or other staff. The environment
wines. Our experience can therefore be gene- and emotions associated with the situation
ralized with some reserve for other large wine- are also important.
ries in Central Europe. In contrast, for the „off-trade“ segment,
From the research and experience so far, we which is dominant now during the coronavi-
believe that the overall consumption of wine rus period and becomes the preferred or, in
over the long term will probably not decrease the case of gastronomy closure, the only po-
significantly. However, the opportunities and ssible consumer choice, other parameters are
places of its consumption are changing, are key.
moving from the public space closer to consu- In the consumer‘s decision-making process,
mers, to their homes. the design of the bottle and label, the price,
In 2020, social events, wine competitions, the presentation at the point of sale, the me-