P. 324
Martina Schützová
She is a partner in the international law office CEE Attorneys Martina graduated from the Faculty
of Law at the P. J. Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia and
gained her experience in leading Czech and foreign offices.
Martina is one of the leading experts in legal regulation in the
field of gastronomy. The CEE Attorneys Gastronomy Desk team
she leads provides legal advice to a wide range of restaurateurs
as well as food and beverage manufacturers
Marketing specialists offer us a huge num- an increase in their sales, can also be reached
ber of ways to approach product promotion. by organizing thematic consumer competiti-
There is an option to run an advertising cam- on for prizes, which also falls under the broad
paign on the Internet through Google Adds, concept of advertising. But beware: before
Facebook or other social networks, as well as people from your target group read your in-
the possibility of using traditional media. The formation, they would have to click the button
same goal, i.e. greater visibility of goods and confirm that they are of legal age. The Internet
knows practically everything about us. Why is
it unable to remember that I am almost at my
retirement age and it is up to me, not the su-
pervisory authorities to decide whether I have
a drink?
All these methods of marketing promo-
tion have one limitation in common and
that is the legal regulation on advertising
of alcoholic beverages.
Let‘s focus on the elements that an adver-
tising campaign promoting wine (at least in
Europe) may not contain. Advertising for
alcohol must respect the following legal
Advertising must not encourage immo-
derate use of alcoholic beverages
Whether the alcohol consumption is mode-
rate or immoderate is a very subjective ques-
tion in practice.
However, in the world of law it is necessary