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It‘s been said a few times here and it will be of predicting the result if we look at individual
said once again at the end: TOGETHER, WE decisions in isolation. We must consider every
ARE STRONGER! decision of the player in the context of possi-
Let‘s help each other, let‘s associate and le- ble decisions of the others.
t‘s create joint projects to achieve common The Nash equilibrium was used not only in
goals - even if that goal is nothing less than to the analysis of conflict situations, in the study
survive. of the possibilities of cooperation of people
When I was once given the opportunity with different preferences but also, e.g., in the
to learn from the study materials of the Har- organization of auctions. If you want to know
vard‘s Law School Program on Negotiation, more and don‘t want to study too many pro-
I was literally shocked when one of the „pa- fessional books, you can find Ronsard‘s ama-
pers“ was full of mathematical formulas. Prin- zing two-and-a-half-hour Oscar film „Beautiful
ting error? Did we get materials from the gra- Mind (2001)“ on the Internet. Of course, for
duate level mathematics program by mistake? more serious knowledge, it is better to read
It wasn‘t a mistake. As one of the theories of a professional book on this topic, such as Ken
negotiation, we were supposed to study the Binmore‘s Game Theory.
mathematically confirmed theory of multipla- You could become convinced that it makes
yer games, generally referred to as the Nash sense simply by the fact that John Forbes Nash
equilibrium. Let‘s forget about wine for a while Jr. (1928 - 2015) was awarded the Nobel Prize
and let‘s play. in Economics in 1994 for his work in the field
There are nine players, nine winemakers at of game theory. However, we don‘t have to be
the table. Among them are younger and older, Nobel laureates to know that pulling together
with larger, medium and small production, is always better than setting traps for each
some with modern equipment and some with other.
a tractor inherited from their fathers. None of The Slavic prince Svatopluk told this to his
the players can improve their situation by uni- three sons in the legend about three rods on
laterally changing the chosen strategy. None which he demonstrated the power of unity.
of the players desire to cooperate with the This legend appears in various variants in Ger-
others fully but their decision-making limits manic runes and in English literature.
and their impact depends on the others. That However, let‘s stay in the Czech Republic.
is why it is called the concept of solving non- Our nation can come together when it is in
-cooperative multiplayer games. trouble and when the World Hockey Cham-
The concept of the Nash equilibrium is used pionship is played. The current pandemic crisis
to analyze the results of the strategic inte- is no less serious than the Russian occupation
raction of several actors. In other words, it is of 1968. For a long time, if not forever, it will
a way of predicting the decisions of individual change the balance of power, change values,
entities that make decisions at the same time change the social and economic mechanisms
and whose decisions depend on the decisions that we used to think were eternal.
of the others. The basic principle of determi- A new normal will come.
ning the Nash equilibrium is the impossibility It is all the more valuable at this time if we