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        back to 1935, is the business entity that re-
        presents 90% of the volume of exported wine
        and approximately 70% of the wine consu-
        med in the domestic market. It nurtures wi-
        neries throughout the country and works to-
        gether with its associates in the development
        of sustainable practices, measurement of the
        environmental footprint and management
        of liquid effluents from the wineries, among
        other actions that reinforce the competitive-
        ness of Argentine wine in foreign markets.
          The Academia Argentina de la Vid y del
        Vino (AAVV) is another national, non-pro-
        fit institution, established on November 23,
        2007 that works on the study, debate and co-
        mmunication of issues or concepts related to
        the wine industry from an academic position,   Claudia Inés Quini, Argentinian scientist and re-
        which provides an objective opinion about   searcher at National Wine Institute, has been Pre-
        them.                                    sident and Vice-President of OIV. She´s active in
          The AAVV is made up of the following sec-  different societies and associations now.
        tions:  Viticulture, Oenology, Economy,  Wine
        Culture and Wine Legislation and its objecti-  Among the many issues addressed are: the
        ves are:                                 crisis of the small and medium agricultural
          z Sponsor, support and stimulate research  producer, the concept of terroir, the manage-
        in wine science                          ment and use of water, (a concept of utmost
          z Disseminate scientific knowledge   importance in a region that is arid and with
        through conferences, symposia and forums,  irrigated viticulture), the application of the
          publication of books or magazines, among  artificial intelligence in the world of wine, and
        other appropriate means for that purpose,  many others.
          and                                      I  can also talk about my experience as
          z o promote the progress of Argentine  a member of the Asociación de Mujeres del
        viticulture, through the improvement of the  Vino Argentino A.MU.V.A., a non-profit civil
        disciplines linked to its development.   association. The decisive role of women in all
                                                 levels of wine production and marketing is
                                                 known to all.
                                                   Women have great internal strength that
                                                 allows us to overcome difficult situations and
                                                 adapt to the most diverse conditions. Fortuna-
                                                 tely, this participation is greater every day, so
                                                 its complementation facilitates the exchange
                                                 of experiences, innovation proposals, and con-
                                                 tributes to greater advancement and develop-
                                                 ment of the vineyards and wineries in each
                                                   This association (AMUVA) has as main ob-
                                                 jectives, among others:
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