P. 327
to violate the advertising limits can be said
by a scientist, a researcher, who is even obli-
ged to publish the results of their research if
they have been awarded even a partial grant
from the EU. „We monitored two test groups -
one was forbidden to consume any alcohol, the
other was served Green Vetliner daily with the
lizard symbol from Znovín, containing 12.5%
alcohol. A statistical evaluation of the research
results shows, for example, that the sickness
rate of the group that could indulge in wine was
64 days lower than group A.” If the same infor-
mation about the health effects of the product
is provided by an independent expert, such as
Professor Milan Šamánek, who collaborated
007 Might Be The King Of Product Placement. with Znovín on his research for many years, it
Watches, drinks, cars, guns... Heineken paid $45 is not only more convincing than if the wine-
million to have their beer replace 007‘s venerable maker himself did it but it is also correct within
vodka martini - shaken, not stirred. So was ha- the set legal framework. He does not encou-
ving James Bond quaff a Heineken on-screen worth rage doing anything; he only informs about
$45 million? Heineken seems to think so - and that socially important research. And he will cer-
may be all that matters. tainly provide more correct information and
with the necessary professional and detached
heart weakness and solves hair loss problems, view than the winemaker himself could.
there are entities that are entitled to do so. Useful tools can also include Product Place-
People in our region usually like to listen faith- ment, which under certain conditions may be
fully to experts with two titles in front of their another of the legal tools for making alcoholic
name and three behind it, who can highlight beverages visible. In general, it is the place-
the beneficial effects of a particular variety of ment of hidden advertising in an audiovisual
red wine aged in oak barrels in the favorable work of art (film, video game, etc.) that inten-
climate of the Pálava Hills at the presentation tionally pursues an advertising goal. The main
of Moravian cultural beauties. On the other attribute of intentionality in this case is the
hand, the younger generation is more likely remuneration or other consideration provided
to find a post on Instagram, where a young for placing the product in the program.
lady from the wine region (coincidentally the Given that in many cases the payment for
daughter of a well-known winemaker) drinks the promotion of a product in a given work
the mentioned wine in a group of young ca- forms a large part of its total funding, without
refree people, without forgetting to mention which the project would not have a chance to
its indisputable qualities, rather than finding exist, Product Placement is a generally tolera-
an educational presentation. Indeed, if both of ted practice. In addition, in order not to mis-
them are at least minimally convinced of their lead as to the nature of the programs which
claims and do not carry out this covert promo- contain the product placement, they must be
tion for remuneration or other consideration, clearly marked with the letters PP, which in-
such communications should be fully compa- forms the viewers that they will become con-
tible with regulatory law. sumers of the commercial message within the
What a winemaker may not say in order not given program. ƅ