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can unite to work together or if we can find
space to offer help to others. Of course, it‘s bet-
ter to do it selflessly but people won‘t forget
it, even if you make a little money on good
things that help.
Consider and compare a few examples of
why it is better to work together, to unite
for a good cause. ƅ
Cristina Pandolfi
Agricultural Engineer, Founding Member of the Argentine
Academy of Vine and Wine. Member of the Association
of Women of Wine of Argentina. Researcher and educator.
Let´s Work Together, Be Connected!
Argentina works this way.
For years it has shown signs of greater
cohesiveness; with a common approach,
joining forces, and with better mutual com-
munication. Starting in late 2000, an orga-
nizational process was worked on for the be-
nefit of the entire wine chain, including small
producers. They worked together to promote
wine, both nationally and for the foreign mar-
ket. Thus, the Argentina 2020 Winemaking
Strategic Plan was finalized with the aim of
implementing relevant collective actions, ari-
sing from debate and consensus. This union
was formalized in 2004 when the Argentine
Wine Corporation (COVIAR) was created by
Law 25,849, a public-private body with natio-
nal jurisdiction that manages and adopts the
necessary actions aimed at meeting the ob-
jectives of said plan, such as the integration The wine industry in Argentina occupies an
of the actors in the production chain and the area of 215,169 hectares (531,694 acres) shared
transformation of the wine sector, enhancing between 883 producing wineries (data from the
its strengths and opportunities in the global Instituto Nacional de Vitivinicultura, INV, 2019)
market for wine, concentrated grape juice, rai- with a production of 10,796,149 hectoliters
sins, and table grapes. (285,204,081 gallons) of wine in 2020 (source
It also promotes the innovation of products INV). It sits in 7th place worldwide by area plan-
and processes that increase the added value ted with grapes (OIV 2019), 5th in the world in
and sustained development of the sector. The wine production (OIV 2020), and is 10th in wine
development of a „2030 strategic vision“ is cu- exports in volume and also in FOB value, accor-
rrently being proposed. ding to data OIV 2019.