P. 326


          Advertising may not give the impression
        that alcohol consumption contributes to
        social or sexual success.
          At this point, especially influencers and
        anyone who uses a similar way of marketing
        should pay attention. The concept of adver-
        tising is not limited to traditional media such
        as press or television but on the contrary, it
        permeates all means of communication whe-
        re a particular product is promoted. If an in-
        fluencer praises the advantages of a  certain
        alcoholic beverage in his post, he must make
        sure his stories or behavior do not show that
        he achieved his social or sexual success thanks
        to alcohol.

          Advertising may not claim that the alco-
        hol in the drink has healing properties or
        a stimulating or calming effect or even that
        it is a means of solving personal problems,
        even if it is true!
          If you get carried away by the story of an ad-
        vertising video, it could happen that the spot
        exceeds these limits. More than ten years ago,  a fitting example of violating this particular re-
        there was an advertisement on TV screens in  striction.
        which the disgraced protagonist complained:   From the described restrictions of the cam-
        „When it rains and the world seems to be a bad  paigns, it is clear that it is not very easy to
        place, a girl breaks up with you and the second  be fully aware and understand all details in
        one too and you don‘t want to do anything,  the regulation of alcohol advertising and the
        you need someone or something to hold you.  legislator did not make the situation much
        A friend.” After this litany, the actor drank and  easier for us with its austerity. Some countries
        confirmed that his friend was alcohol. The ne-  ban the advertising of alcohol between 6 am
        gative reactions came soon and the Council  and 10 pm, other countries have resorted to
        for Radio and Television Broadcasting charged  a  comprehensive restriction on audiovisual
        the Prague s.r.o. agency a fine of CZK 100,000  commercial communications and sponsorship
        for violating the law on advertising.    of alcoholic beverages, while many require al-
                                                 cohol-related warnings or a ban to display al-
          Advertising may not emphasize the al-  cohol advertising to any living being.
        cohol content as a  positive feature of the
        drink                                      So how do you draw attention to a pro-
          This last restriction on alcohol advertising is  duct containing ethanol without finding
        not something entrepreneurs would be bla-  yourself outside the law?
        med for too often in practice. The reason is   You can look for the answer, for example,
        probably the fact that marketing which high-  through Public Relations. Thus, although the
        lights alcohol content does not make much  producer alone cannot freely advertise the
        sense and it would be difficult to come up with  miraculous properties of his wine, which cures
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