P. 335


        the competition venue. We usually send sam-  ney as soon as possible after the harvest,
        ples securely packed in special cartons on pal-  which cost him a lot of money. So, he needs
        lets by air cargo or road freight collectors.  to sell young wines quickly. The Wine Fund has
          The achieved results help to build and   launched a massive St. Martin‘s campaign re-
        strengthen the goodwill of our wines not only  ferring to some historical habits.
        on the domestic market but also internatio-  In fact, the St. Martin‘s tradition has been
        nally with more than 1000 Platinum, Double   forgotten for more than 100 years. We told the
        Gold, Gold and Silver medals                    Nation that there used to be a peri-
        from the most famous Interna-                   od when landlords and farmers paid
        tional competitions worldwide.                   maids and peasants after the end of
                                                           the season and signed contracts
        ST. MARTIN´S WINE                                  with them for another year. It was
          A  special and highly successful                celebrated with good food and
        project is “St. Martins Wine”. Everyone           young wine.
        knows the amazing marketing story of                This aroused public interest.
        Beaujolais Nouveau.                                 Already after a few years, the
          The inspiration for every national wine         survey revealed that the public
        producers association can be how the           perceives St. Martins Wine as a tra-
        Czech Republic managed to create a national  dition since the Middle Ages! Probably the
        wine icon, how we let flourish a new tradition  best part was the idea of connecting young
        which complemented the Beaujolais tradition  wine with the golden St. Martins oven roas-
        in early years, caught up with it and finally sur-  ted goose.  The Czechs like food, so after
        passed it.                               a  few years the smell of the Czech goose
          The idea was: Any winemaker needs mo-  erased the Beaujolais midnight kiss.

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