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                                 Valeriu Cotea
                                 Professor at Faculty of Horticulture, Ion Ionescu de la Brad
                                 University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of
                                 Iasi, former Rector of the University.  Knight of the Romanian
                                 National Order of Faithful Service (Ordinul Naţional Serviciul
                                 Credincios). Chairman of the OIV Commission Oenology.
                                 International judge and OIV competitions observer.
          Clearly, once the pandemic started in 2020  tion. It is possible that in the near future, due
        and the resulting restrictions were put into  to a common declining workforce, PIWI (fun-
        place, consumers’ behaviour changed. In Ro-  gus-resistant vines) will enter the Romanian
        mania, the majority of wine consumption was  system.
        registered at different public events, so, clear-  Customers have started paying more atten-
        ly, it was in free fall. The silver lining was online  tion to organic foods in general, therefore
        sales and supermarket chain buying. Also, ex-  some will accept paying a  higher price for
        ports of Romanian wine to northern countries  biodynamic wines. For the moment, Romania
        like UK, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia etc. almost  has some bio and biodynamic wines, most
        doubled. I  am positive that the Romanian  being produced in the south eastern part of
        wine sector has gained some new friends in  the country, where the climatic conditions are
        the pandemic era.                        favourable for this type of culture. At present,
          Even if the social part, probably the most im-  big supermarket chains have started organi-
        portant part in having a glass of wine with fri-  sing special aisles specifically for organic pro-
        ends at a wine tasting with a real, live somme-  ducts, while more and more campaigns salute
        lier, is absent in drinking at home, I remain an  their benefits.  The consumer thus becomes
        optimist. Humans are social beings and will al-  familiarised with these foods and understands
        ways be thirsty for interaction, but, in the long  that bio and biodynamic mean respect for na-
        run, change is good and technology (be it on-  ture and the environment.
        line sommeliers or the online ordered weekly   I  believe, in Europe will there be enough
        wine basket delivered on your doorstep) is the  workers to cultivate the vineyards, when the
        future.                                  countries and EU close the borders and the
          In my opinion, the COVID-19 pandemic will  workers from Portugal, Poland, Bulgaria, or
        not affect present vineyards and grape varie-  Romania stay at home? Less and less hands-
        ties directly, at least not in Romania. However,  -on-deck in the vineyard has been expected
        it is my strong belief that vine growers will  to happen, as the common risk of worker tur-
        soon start using lesser-known national grape  nover is very high. At present, there are more
        varieties, easier to manage from a technologi-  and more Romanian workers returning home,
        cal point of view. Moreover, vineyard mechani-  due to COVID-19 closures in the rest of the
        zation will gain momentum, as human labour  EU, therefore, in the near future, there should
        is less and less represented. For the time be-  be no issues in recruiting temporary workers.
        ing, Romania does not use interspecific grape  However, all the big wineries in Romania have
        varieties. Indeed, it is countries like Germany,  started using mechanization for pruning and
        Italy or Sweden that led the way in this direc-  harvesting, especially for bulk wines. ƅ
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