P. 54
Annemarie Morse
Wine Educator, Writer & International Judge. Annemarie was
born in Germany, moved to New York early in life and now lives
in the Finger Lakes wine region of New York. She has a Master‘s
degree in Oenology from Cornell University, worked as an
Assistant Winemaker and is a trained member of the Cornell
University Sensory Evaluation Panel. She teaches wine education
and has managed a wine judge certification program.
The Finger Lakes area in Upstate New York better way than they thought possible. Wine-
is an area of small family wineries, although ries were flexible and adjusted, making it easy
in the town of Victor nearby Rochester is also to purchase wine online, reduce shipping
home to the global giant Constellation Brands. charges, incorporate reservation systems and
Annemarie Morse did a little research and arrange tastings in a way that enhanced the
asked even the most famous of the local wi- tasting experience safely. Flights of wine and
nemakers, Fred Frank, the 3rd one in the gene- food would be brought to tables, creating
ration of owners of famous Dr. Frank Winery, a more intimate and personal tasting experi-
which stood at the very beginning of Vitis Vini- ence. Customers didn‘t mind paying a higher
fera cultivation in this area. cost because the experience was enhanced.
Shortly after we first felt the impact of Co- More customers wanted to learn about the
vid-19, April 2020, I reached out to wine- wine, enjoy the quality of the wine and the ex-
makers in the Finger Lakes region of New York perience rather than imbibing in quantity and
and asked them how Covid-19 was affecting moving on to the next winery. They also spent
them. There was so much uncertainty about more money on purchasing wine, apprecia-
what the year would bring and if they could ting the experience, the story and quality of
tend to the grapes, harvest them and sell their the wine, the location and people.
wines. We were also extremely lucky that Mother
Fortunately, our governor believed that the Nature was on our side. The weather in 2020
wine industry was an essential business here was amazing, the spring and summer were
in New York. Therefore, they were allowed to filled with many beautiful, warm and sunny
keep on staff to help in the vineyards, work in days. This allowed people who had been stuck
the winery, help with online sales and ship- inside to safely enjoy the beautiful weather,
ping, harvest, etc., all the things they needed with lovely views and memorable experiences.
to continue to be successful. There was a new customer base for wineries in
Through it all, there was hope and a sense the Finger Lakes, people who would normally
of supporting our local community. Now, al- have travelled to Tuscany, Bordeaux, South Af-
most a year later and I have contacted some of rica, etc. were now exploring the wine country
those same people to determine where we are closer to home. The Finger Lakes, a rural com-
today. Many have expressed lots of hope and munity, full of natural beauty and the great
support from the community and their custo- outdoors offered a safe get-away from their
mers. They have come through 2020 in a much homes in the cities of New York and Philadel-