P. 56



          The Czech Republic produces about  quality even when it comes at a higher reasona-
        0.25% of world wine production, which co-  ble price.“
        vers approximately 1/3 of the wine consumpti-  The general view of  the wine industry is
        on of 10 million inhabitants of the Czech  picturesque cellars with old barrels and a fa-
        Republic. The wine industry in the Czech Re-  mily atmosphere. Tomáš Šupa is the owner of
        public is not large, but it is focused on quality  large wineries Mutěnice, Neoklas Šardice and
        and variety. It enjoys the great respect of the  Vino Pezinok:  „However, most of the produc-
        nation, also because it has remained largely in  tion takes place in large wineries, such as ours.
        the hands of Czech owners.               For those who focus more on gastronomy, last
          How did Covid-19 affect the production   year was a  disaster. We are better off because
        and consumption of wine in the Czech Re-  we make most of our sales through large sales
        public? Just out of curiosity:           networks. We are important partners for small
          The restriction of travel between countries  wine-growers during the crisis, because we buy
        has caused complications during the grape  their grapes and wines from them. Last year, we
        harvest, which for many years has relied on  bought a record quantity of grapes from dozens
        wine pickers from Slovakia and the countries  of smaller growers. So we provide them with
        of Southeast Europe.  The harvest estimated  cash flow.“
        at 90-95 thousand tons was above average, as   Losses in the amount of several millions CZK
        was the quality. Czechs value their traditional  associated with Covid were caused by the go-
        winemaking, so thanks to various social initi-  vernment‘s ban on folklore tasting events typi-
        atives and challenges, people who usually just  cally associated with grape harvest. For exam-
        drink wine participated in the harvest. Some  ple, organizers of the Pálava Grape Harvest
        of them spent their holidays in the vineyard  Feast, usually visited by over 50,000 visitors,
        for the first time, so the good harvest eventua-  had to delete it from the calendar for the first
        lly got into barrels and vats.           time in 72 years. Znojmo‘s Historical Grape
          „September and December were the most su-  Harvest Festival attracts up to 100,000 visitors
        ccessful months of the year for Znovín Znojmo.   and the square and the streets, usually full of
        We can be satisfied with the last year‘s numbers,“  stalls and music became abandoned.
        Pavel  Vajčner, the director of the company,   In addition, according to economists, the
        said in an interview. „Sales in hotels and restau-  price of wine is expected to increase during
        rants dropped to 10 to 20 percent last year, but   the rest of the year, which will only intensify
        our segment of physical customers, our fan club,   the trend towards cheaper wines. „Wine lovers
        bought a lot of wine, so it substituted the income   drink it more often at home, which plays into the
        from closed restaurants.“                hands of larger producers who have a better ma-
          „The current trend is to spare. Consumers are   naged distribution,“ Lidl economist Iveta Bara-
        turning to cheaper products. The current situa-  bášová says.
        tion with COVID-19 only supports this,“ confirms   „Even the smallest are helped a lot by the origi-
        Martin Půček, the Executive Director of the  nal Czech project Our Bottles / Lahvotéka. A group
        Czech Winegrowers Association. The president   of young people has programmed a virtual mar-
        of the association, Tibor Nitray, also thinks that  ketplace and provides individual „stands“ for
        about a fifth of customers decide on the basis  winemakers as an easy-to-manage i-shop,“ wi-
        of price. „However, the part of consumers that   nemaker Jiří Maděřič praises. „Thanks to them,
        we call  “educated“ is willing to pay for higher   really everyone can sell their wine online.“ ƅ
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