P. 52
Stephanie Gallo
Stephanie Gallo was born and raised in Modesto, California.
She spent her young adulthood learning from E. & J. Gallo
Winery’s founders – her grandfather and great uncle – about
their passion for making and selling wine. Now, as Chief
Marketing Officer and a third-generation member of the world’s
largest family-owned winery, Stephanie carries her family’s
enduring vision to make wine a part of everyday life.
As a global wine industry leader, we are fo- Our purpose is to serve enjoyment in the
cused on winning new friends for wine. That moments that matter. We have had to innova-
means making wine accessible for all and be- te and ensure that we are meeting consumer
ing there for all moments – not just the tradi- needs. Consumers are becoming more aware
tional celebratory moments. We have assem- of food packaging innovations and are increa-
bled a world-class international and domestic singly making purchase decisions based on
portfolio of fine wines to meet the increasingly package attributes. Consumers often simply
complex and growing needs of our consumers. want to enjoy a single glass of wine, so the
We know many consumers enter the wine ca- 750ml package can sometimes be a barrier.
tegory through brands under $11. With Gallo’s Therefore, single-serve packaging formats
portfolio of brands, we can really expand our — such as cans, 375ml half-bottles, three-
reach to bring in new consumers and a more -liter boxes and RTD (ready-to-drink) — are
diverse consumer audience which is beneficial incredibly important as we look to win new
and impactful for the industry overall. friends for wine and provide our consumers
Though many consumers enter the catego- with more dynamic options in smaller for-
ry with commercial wines, because they are mats. Bag-in-box wine will also increase due
accessible, once they are in the category, they to its winning combination of great taste and
may begin to explore wines across different value. As for plastics, unless good recyclable
price points including premium and luxury ca- plastics with strong O2 barriers are developed,
tegories. Over the last decade, we have inves- it will likely decline.
ted in premier wineries and prime vineyards Online/virtual experience will continue. We
to expand development of our premium and feel by leaning into virtual activities and expe-
luxury portfolio and to meet consumer needs. riences, we have been able to better connect
While we continue to invest in our premium with our consumers around the world. There is
and luxury businesses, we see a tremendous a link between experiential events such as on-
opportunity to bring new consumers into the line tastings and e-commerce. Ensuring that
wine category. Without a broader industry we can integrate e-commerce into our virtual
effort to be more welcoming and expand wi- activities is key to ensuring future growth. We
ne’s consumer base and occasions, interest in anticipate continued growth of digital pur-
commercial wines will decrease. chasing and alcohol delivery, a channel that