P. 53
is actively attracting new consumers. Approxi- cing the unique qualities we know our consu-
mately 17% of Americans are ordering alcohol mers are looking for our brands to provide. By
in this way for the first time. Consumers have staying true to your core values, ensuring your
embraced the ease and flexibility of this chan- employees feel valued and that their work is
nel, and we anticipate this behavior will con- meaningful and by keeping the consumer
tinue. experience top of mind, we will get through
As a family-owned and multi-generational these difficult times together. We are honored
company, we are committed to getting throu- to keep our consumer’s glass half full and look
gh this challenging and difficult time together. forward to a time in the future when we can all
We are relying on our foundational messages, gather around the table together and share in
adhering to our company values, and reinfor- celebration. ƅ
Stefan Doktor
Managing Director of the legendary Schloss Johannisberg,
where true Rieslings are crafted in Germany’s Rheingau. Stefan
was born in Slovakia where he completed his hospitality
education. He´s holder of “Diploma in Wine & Spirits” from the
Austrian wine academy in Rust and the Wine & Spirits Education
Trust in London. Stefan began his career at Schloss Johannisberg
in 2008 as Sales Manager. His passion for the estate and its wines
drove him to his new position as Managing Director since 2016.
Schloss Johannisberg is a castle winery in the Schloss Johannisberg are also open for chan-
village of Johannisberg located west of Wies- ges. However, an „Orange Riesling Sylvaner“ is
baden, Hesse, in the Rheingau wine-growing out of the question.
region of Germany. It has been making wine The pandemic has of course affected the
for over 900 years. The winery is famous for work of our winery. We had to rethink a big
discovering and being the first to produce late part of our usual processes. But we have found
harvest wine. It is a part of Dr. Oetker, a Ger- out that a lot of things are not only possible to
man multinational food and beverage compa- handle on a different way, but sometimes also
ny group, where Schloss Johannisberg is a dia- easier - when you are forced to do changes.
mond in the crown of over 30 wine, sparkling And what remains In the future? We will have
wine and champagne brands from the whole to take risk into account in our planning. ƅ
For Riesling wines is typical the shape of the
bottle – the „Schlegelflasche“. The Schlegel
bottle is a core identity for Riesling. It makes
sense if we can associate certain bottle shapes
with defined types of wine. It makes the pur-
chase decision easier, at least subconsciously.
Anyway - change and enhancements are
the only constants in the universe. So there
is no point in trying to suppress it. In the end,
the consumer decides anyway. And yes, we at