P. 60
Leoš Bárta
Mgr. Leoš Bárta, LL.M. (my namesake, but not any relative)
is a creator of customer and value-oriented companies -
business, strategist, coach and consultant - author of the
book called „Sami v moři konkurence“ (Alone in the Sea
of Competition, Albatros 2019) - author and moderator of
the 100-part broadcast called „Byznys poradna“ (Business
Counseling, Czech BBC broadcast on Radio Zet 2018 - 2020) -
University and MBA pedagogue - lecturer of more than 1000
open and tailor-made workshops and seminars…
Find more at
If nothing goes right... what to do?
How to survive among producers like you?
I don‘t know a better way of thinking in the a brand or anything else - everywhere, where
market and thinking when running a compa- we are not alone. If we were the only one of
ny or a project, than thinking in terms of mar- our kind on the market, we wouldn‘t need any
keting! marketing because we would be the best. Au-
Why? tomatically. With no effort at all.
Because marketing, the real, strategic, wise Unfortunately, others just as good as us or
marketing is no deception, no lie and no even better enter our living space. And even
empty talk. Real marketing is nothing less more competitors will come. That‘s why mar-
than the best, most effective way of self-ma- keting emerged - so that we are better than
nagement - managing a company, a product, others, better than the competition.