P. 63
ter - what would it be? What qualities would
it have, how would it think and how would it
act? Which of the actors or characters from
the books or movies would it look like? Does
it sound silly to you? It‘s not! A brand, a good
brand MUST be expressible by personality
characteristics, so that it can be somehow
„depicted“. It‘s not about the character of a wi-
nemaker or the seductive beauty from a wine
advertisement; it‘s about the customer feeling
the relationship with the brands - and the re-
ter size blank page. Maximum three quarters! lationship can only exist between two people
In the second step, you will define your own or a person and an object that is considered
specifics, competitive advantages and values a partner. The aim is not only for the customer
of your brand. What qualities do I, my winery, to perceive the sympathetic faces of business
my employees have? What makes my compa- owners or experienced cellar masters behind
ny (under the word „company“ imagine not your brand but for the entire company brand
only the organization but also the vineyards, to say either „I‘m the same as you, the customer“
human resources, knowledge and experience or „I‘m diff erent and that‘s why we work together
you have, etc.) great or even better, unique? so well“.
The list could be called „What I do best, better When you clarify all this, you can start thin-
than others.“ Write down everything you can king more in the terms of the brand than ever
think of and what may make sense, even if it before and most importantly - you can start
initially looks like something unimportant or communicating your values, your stories and
silly. It would be ideal if you come up with at other principles of your brand to the pub-
least 10 meaningful items. lic much better and behave accordingly - in
But for God‘s sake, don‘t write things that a newer, more interesting and diff erent man-
everyone thinks of themselves; don‘t write ner. And you don‘t have to change your label;
words like „quality,“ „tradition since 1992“ or leave that for better times. Start, for example,
„customer care.“ communicating more in the brand‘s manner
These are - I am sorry to say - clichés that with your customers... e.g. on social networks!
mean nothing anymore - because everyone
says that about themselves and therefore WINEMAKER AT A DIGITAL VINEYARD
no one perceives it as a value, as something The reason is not that it is cheap, cheaper
extra or as something that can make you dif- than advertising in a magazine. It‘s not that
ferent. You make great world-class wines - because some phony expert advises: go to
so what? That‘s what I expected; I take it for Facebook. It‘s not even because everyone is
granted. Can‘t you offer me anything else? there, as people often say. The main thing is
The third part is also great fun. In professio- that there are so-called “Millennials”, people
nal jargon, this is called „defi ning the brand‘s from the generation called Y, people who are
personality.“ currently about 18-30 years old and who will
The idea is to write down what could be the rule this country, the world and most purcha-
qualities of the person who would be the „face sing decisions in the coming years.
of the brand“, the organism behind the logo. If Generation Y is specific in many aspects. It
your brand became a human or even an ani- likes to buy branded goods, it wants to feel
mal from Aesop‘s fables or a fairy-tale charac- independent, it requires a more personal ap-