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dressed by the campaign and adjust the com-
munication message according to them - i.e.
according to their specifi cs.
Of the 20 product benefits, only a few will
suddenly remain, which is ok. The appeals in
the second part and the motives in the third
part will also change. That is right.
When you have its own, customized message
for each target group, compare them. If they
are completely different, you probably won‘t
combine them into one campaign, it will be
necessary to make more communication out-
puts. Don‘t worry, it doesn‘t have to be 4 cam-
paigns. If the communication messages are
similar, you can handle it with one campaign.
And who should create the communication
message? You and the people of your compa-
ny. But not graphic designers, not corporate
marketing specialists and not advertising co-
pywriters - they are not allowed to enter the
process yet. Creating a communication mes-
sage is a strategic creative activity; it is about
creating pure content without any form. Non-
-strategists would subconsciously try to get
you to the next step; they would already see
pictures, future texts, scenarios. And that must
not happen.
When creating the communication mes-
sage, focus only on your work, don‘t do the
agency‘s job, caring how it will all look and 49 degrees of inclination make the vineyard of the
sound in the campaign. It is up to the agency Malli family in Kitzeck likely the steepest in Aus-
to translate your message into verses or scena- tria. The family business is located right below the
rios or photos and colours. This is not your job, highest wine-growing location in Europe in sou-
it must be done by advertising experts. thern Styria. Good position for marketing!
Creation of the communication message is
the cheapest part of the whole communicati-
on process. It takes a lot of work but it is free. It
only costs the time of your own people.
If you say to yourself: „I won‘t bother with
that“, if you skip this point, the creative will
come, there will be suggestions as to what the
campaign or one billboard should look like.
But the creative will be based on someone el-
se‘s ideas. And you won‘t know anything other
than whether you like the picture or not. You
won‘t even know if it‘s right, suitable, if it says