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anything. You will have no communication
message through which you could find it out.
No advertising agency in the world should
say the communication message for you.
When it says it for you, when it proposes it
instead of you, it won‘t be your message but
a justification for its own suggestions. It‘s that
simple; if your company leaves it to its agen-
cy to deliver everything - messages, creativity
and implementation - out of your laziness or
other motives, you have given up your right to
co-decide on the meaningfulness and eff ecti-
veness of your advertising campaigns. Howgh!
What is the value, you ask. Value is the only
thing your customer is really willing to pay for
without regretting his decision. It doesn‘t mat-
ter what you produce or sell, the only thing I‘m
interested in is what value you provide to your
When deciding on a purchase, each of us fol-
lows our idea about the value of the product, If you are lucky enough and you were born in
service, brand, company name, etc. And we a biblical place, you are more or less concerned
decide: with marketing. In the place of Christ‘s first miracle,
z o buy goods to achieve and fulfi ll our the Cana of Galilee (Kfar Kana), wagons of heavy
values, red wine are sold annually and then stand at home
z o buy goods to reconcile our values with on the shelves for years. Cana Wedding Wine. Wine
the values of those we care about, those we with a story.
want to belong to (there is a reason why peo-
ple say: I spend money I don‘t have for things
I don‘t need to impress people, which I don‘t
care about at all).
Value is a good thing. It doesn‘t have to re-
ally exist; some values simply can‘t be measu-
red or photographed, so we at least imagine
them. This is no delusion. Not even a scam. It‘s
about emotions, stories, ideas, associations
and feelings.
If you want to sell anything, a product or
a service, you can do it using common sense,
without much talk. Create a table fi rst. Why
a table? Because it will guide you and make
sure you don‘t forget anything. ber about the product or service in it. You will
Let‘s make that table with 3 columns, ok? do an analysis of its properties, its values. And
And you will write everything you can remem- be careful, you won‘t despise any, writing them