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why we create one ad for one target group target group so that it is the most suitable
and a different one for another target group. partner for my product. As if I were completing
That is why we have one button „For Profes- a jigsaw or puzzle, my product is one piece and
sionals“ and a second button „For Romantics“ the target group must fit exactly into it. This is
on our website. what I‘m looking for. This is how I think when
Segmentation means working with target I am a business-oriented company that already
groups - we select them, look for them, focus has a product and is looking for its customers.
on them. This activity is absolutely crucial for If I am a marketing-oriented company, I do it
the further effectiveness of our business or the other way around - I develop or look for the
marketing. It is similar to archery: if you don‘t ideal product or service for the selected target
see the target, you can‘t hit it; if the target is too group.
far, you can‘t hit it; if you don‘t have a strong z At this time, I am not researching whe-
bow and a good arrow, the target won‘t be ther the target group really exists. Maybe I‘ll
hit, even if it‘s close, etc. Without determining soon find out that the target group is fi ction,
the right market, without selecting a suitable a dream. In that case, I will have to be less de-
segment and without hitting it, there will ne- manding and fi nd a different target group, not
ver be any business. Nor will there even be an so perfect.
increase in the awareness of your brand. You So, the first phase of perfect segmentati-
will not only spend your advertising money in on is: define the ideal. Draw a sketch of your
vain and lose it but you will also end up in red „suspect“. The second phase - only now I can
numbers - you will exhaust your sources, lose start investigating. Where they live, where
time compared to the competition, etc. A mil- they go to lunch, who they meet with, what
lion wasted on approaching an inappropriate- they read. The third phase - when I fi nd out
ly set target group is more than just a million more about it (for example, that it exists),
wasted! I start to come up with a strategy and then
One of the mistakes we make in segmentati- a tactic to catch my target group. What trap
on is that we work with the target group sub- will I set for it?
jectively, in a distorted way, as it suits our brain And only then, in the fourth phase, my peo-
and our nature. Whenever we say its name, ple - in agencies or in the company - can think
everything is suddenly clear to us. A family, of about whether I will make a new website, in
course, I can already see it, I already imagine which magazine I will place an advertisement
it, I already know what media to use and I al- and what kind of experiential event would be
ready have a perfect slogan for the advertising appropriate to organize at Wenceslas square.
campaign on the tip of my tongue. 3 seconds Only after all that. Never before. Never suspect
after saying the name of the target group, eve- anyone without investigating and strong evi-
rything is clear. He seems suspicious to me, dence.
so he‘s a killer and that‘s it. I just made a mis-
take that Sherlock would never forgive me for DO NOTHING UNTIL YOU KNOW
- I am following my suspicions, following my WHAT YOU WANT TO SAY
assumptions, I‘m starting to manipulate my- In the 5th phase of the advertising creation
self. I‘m under the influence of my own theory process, we set the so-called “communication
hoping it will work out. That is a mistake. The message”. And we don‘t know how to do it
right procedure is diff erent: right; even many advertising agencies don‘t
z With the cold, emotionally empty look do it right.
of a marketing detective, I first look for every- The communication message is what is not
thing I want to find - first, I will describe the visible, something „behind the advertisement“.