P. 67
No client will ever see it written or hear it spo- per everything interesting, competitively ini-
ken. The communication message is what: mitable, unique and great, what could be said
z ou want to say, about your product or company. Don‘t deal
z should be heard, now with how many features and attractions
z what the respondent should perceive, you came up with; just make sure that these fe-
read and feel from your words, pictures, co- atures are interesting, attractive and diff erent.
lours and shapes on billboards or banners. z n the second part of the communication
Behind the flower for a woman, there is often message, define WHAT your customers or lis-
the message „give me a kiss“ or „sorry, it won‘t teners SHOULD DO, what you want from them,
happen again“. There is no flower we would what you want to achieve. Don‘t be afraid to
buy without wanting to say something. And write the words on a piece of paper as you feel;
the type of fl ower, the number of fl owers, the it‘s 100% about the content, there is no form;
colour, the decoration, the method of delivery, write what you really want, your text will never
etc., helps us with that. That is why there are so be seen by anyone else but you, your agency,
many empty words and campaigns around us your copywriter and your graphic designer.
because companies often do not care about z n the third part, define the reasons WHY
the setting of the communication message. the customer should do what you want. The
When setting a communication message, customer will do nothing at all just because
learn to divide it into 3 parts. you want it. The customer will only take action
z n the first part you have to describe WHAT if he or she has a reason, when there is a rea-
you sell, WHAT you communicate, WHAT you son WHY to do this or that. If there is a reason,
promote and it doesn‘t matter whether it is even a miracle will happen.
a product, service, company, brand, some new Great, now you have to take target groups
principle or a new idea. Write on a piece of pa- one by one but only those that are to be ad-