P. 64


        proach, it likes stories and the most important  (they are really good at it) or something you
        thing for us at the moment is that of all gene-  can simply shoot yourself using your own lap-
        rations and target groups, it uses the Internet  top or mobile phone? Forget animations and
        and social media or networks (which is not the  God knows what else.
        same) the most.                            You are master winemakers, so wisdom and
          Even for this reason alone, it pays to spread  knowledge are expected from you at a table
        the image of your own brand and the quality  with bottles of wine and barrels behind you.
        of your products in the digital world. I won‘t  No one will hold it against you that it is not
        advise you on whether to have a channel on  an „action“ video - it is the content that is
        Facebook, Instagram or both. I won‘t even talk  important here. Don‘t be afraid of social ne-
        about other social networks. I will just remind  tworks, you have something to say! You just
        you what you have known for a  long time -  need to make a small list of what you can talk
        people want to talk about wine, they want to  about, what you can show people and teach
        learn about wine as much as possible, they  them. Then you will create a so-called “edi-
        want to become wine connoisseurs, experts  torial plan” from this list in half an hour, so
        and authorities in their own eyes (and in the  that you know how often you will create your
        eyes of others around them). Wine is currently  content and how the content will change
        understood by many target groups - and by  during the year, so that you are not boring
        Millennials in particular - not only as a product  and monotonous. Just remember how many

        but also as a symbol of their social status. But  different forms the winemaker‘s year has and
        beware - Millennials do not want to show that  how many different activities have their pla-

        they can afford it, because they drink expensive  ce in it!
        (i.e. high-quality) wines. They want to show that
        nothing natural is foreign to them, that they  ADVERTISING IS JUST LIKE WINE
        consider wine to be a  bearer of stories, that   Do  you know what advertising and wine
        they understand individual varieties in all their  have in common? Creating one or the other
        diff erences, etc. It is therefore our duty to give  requires a process. And do you know why the-
        our audience what they want so much: a regu-  re are so many stupid advertising campaigns
        lar opportunity to read, listen and discuss wine.  all around us? And why their eff ectiveness is
        So, you have your audience and stage ready for  often completely disproportionate to the mo-
        free, so how do you handle your role?    ney invested, i.e. poor? It is because of sloppy
          How about creating your own wine „chat“  preparation. Don‘t worry, I  won‘t teach you
        - whether in the form of a vlog, i.e. video or  how to advertise here, I‘ll just train you a little
        a so-called “podcast”, which is more and more  when it comes to your way of thinking.
        „in“, i.e.  a purely spoken blog, audio without   First, let‘s agree that it‘s not possible to
        image. People enjoy watching or listening  avoid advertising. Even those who think that
        rather than reading. So, what about setting  they do not advertise, make some advertising.
        up a  regular „broadcast“ about wine, about  Those who think that they will survive without
        your vineyards, about your wines, about va-  advertising are wrong. There is a little joke told
        rieties, about production, about interesting  about advertising but it‘s more a refl ection of
        things from the world, etc., on some social  reality: I‘d like to save 50% of my advertising
        networks? Don‘t you have all this informati-  budget but I don‘t know which one it‘s supp-
        on, knowledge and experience in your head?  osed to be. After all, it is said that only every
        Would it be a problem for you to make a video  second, maybe third or maybe fourth adverti-
        once a month, which is something either the  sement works. However, we don‘t know which
        youngest in the family could help you with  one it is and will be.
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