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And then an enemy named Covid-19 was in old letters or in modern computer fonts.
born. It is not set on companies, products, servi- I don‘t want to sound unpleasant, I just want
ces and brands, that‘s not the case. However, to emphasize that none of it really matters. Pe-
because we are afraid of it and the state and ople will get used to any word, any shape and
the system are afraid of it even more, this invi- any picture. It‘s just makeup, a mask or a dress
sible opponent has managed to do something for the being that lives behind the logo. That is,
miraculous - it has endangered our business if the being really is there. In fact, only about 3
and endangered our future in the market. Not percent of small and medium-sized businesses
for everyone and not equally for everyone - but in this country have a brand that is done well.
it has hurt everyone and it doesn‘t end here. But that‘s great news for anyone who really
It has always been said that there is no better wants to make the brand well! Such a wine-
friend than a strong opponent. At least that is maker will be one of the few, automatically
what they teach in martial arts. And the mar- becoming better than the competition!
ket is nothing but a battlefi eld. And if all of you get down to it, you will gain
new strength as a whole, as a field, as a recog-
A SMALL LESSON nized quality of Moravian wine, Moravian Slo-
OF GREAT IMPORTANCE vakian wine and Mělník wine; you will be able
That‘s why I wrote this text; so that I can train to build a common wall of all imported com-
you a little with a few dozen lines. I did not petition. Like Swedish steel, the Swiss Guard or
want to be a wise guy, give away princely advi- Scotch whisky.
ce or repeat theoretical lessons. With this text, You know, that living being - if you really
I wanted to teach you a little, have a little fun make it a living being - will help (you and your
and most importantly - teach you a few tricks customers) to identify and understand who
you will find handy. That is, if you follow them. you are and what you are. The brand will tell
If so, I did not live those 5 hours which I spent your customers what your nature is, what the
by writing the text, in vain. nature of your difference is, what your story
May Covid-19 perish with a miserable death, is, what the values on which your company
may Czech and Moravian winemakers survive stands are, what the way of your thinking is,
and live forever! Leoš Bá wishes that for what your opinions are, etc.
them as well as for himself. Imagine being on a stage full of actors, with
So now, let‘s get to work! no one telling you what role you play or even
what character you represent. A full theatre
THE BRAND IS THE BEST FRIEND hall, everyone is looking at you and the other
If we - everyone, you and I - have reserves actors and what about you? You don‘t know
in something, then it is working with our own what to say, how to say it and how to beha-
brand. I also have my own brand, which is my ve because you don‘t know what your role on
name; you have your own brands, which often stage is. All you know is that you have to play
include the word „winery“. However, right at but you don‘t know how, what and why. What
the beginning, I want you to understand that are the chances that the audience will like
a brand is not a logo or a word, a brand is a li- your character and role? What is the chance of
ving being hidden behind the name of your you doing the right thing on stage?
company, behind your round or square logo. Well, that‘s exactly how it is with the brand.
I really don‘t care about the name of your wi- If established, you act in your own play - diff e-
nery, whether it has a vineyard or a bottle in rent and if possible, better than other actors
its logo, whether the logo is red and written and then you get the applause. When the