P. 65


          I  will not remind you of what you have  we think about HOW to deliver our message
        known for a long time. Any advertising activi-  to the respondents.
        ty, even if you just want to put an ad in a ma-  7. A creative concept, i.e. what idea, plot or
        gazine, is based on the process.         story is it going to have? What am I going to
          And each process has its phases. Let‘s  hide my message behind?  Will I  use Morse
        take a brief look at them, you don‘t have  code or a photo of a beautiful model in the vi-
        to memorize them, just realize how wisely  neyard to deliver the message?
        the steps of the process follow each other   8. Media planning and purchasing. This po-
        and that each of them has a  place in the  int applies to you if you want to implement
        process.                                 your advertisement on your own, not with the
          1. The brand and its identity is the basis of  help of an agency. But make sure to remem-
        everything.  We‘ve already talked about it. If  ber that we choose the medium according to

        you don‘t have one, create it first and then start  the price for advertising time and space (can
        with the first ad, not the other way around. The  I afford this price?), according to the ratio be-

        brand gives us space but also borders. Adverti-  tween the money spent and the number of
        sing is a showcase of the brand and you surely  people approached and also according to the
        don‘t want to have your showcase empty.  degree of suitability of the medium to the tar-
          2. The next step is analysis. What do  they  get group (do rockers read a brass music ma-
        know about you? How do they perceive you?  gazine?).
        What do  they love about you and what bo-  9. A tactical plan in order to know when and
        thers them? Do  they already know the new  what should be drawn, shot, ordered, started,
        product? Have they already seen it anywhere?  ended and evaluated. And also, to see how and
        Which of the product‘s features is the most im-  what is connected, what is based on what and
        portant and which is not a selling argument at  what are the important mutual relationships.
        all? And there are still a thousand more ques-     10. Evaluation. Goals met. The winemaker
        tions waiting…                           got rich and everyone in the country knows
          3. Who is the „target“ of advertising? Whom  the winemaker from now on. The agency can
        will I approach? What are they like? Are they  therefore get paid.
        young, reflective, thrifty, always ready for ac-

        tion, are they simple-minded and are they still  WORK WITH TARGET GROUPS JUST
        unfamiliar with wine? This is a phase that we  LIKE SHERLOCK HOLMES
        will look at in more detail in a moment - the   Now let‘s take a closer look at points 3 and 5,
        so-called “segmentation phase”.          the majority of mistakes is usually made there.
          4. What should be the goal of advertising?   Point 3, called “segmentation” in technical
        Does advertising increase sales by 10% or  jargon. Segmentation means that we choose
        brand awareness by 52% by the end of the  the target groups for our advertising, i.e. such
        year? What should people think and feel af-  groups of people which should be impacted

        ter seeing my commercial for the first and the  by this advertising. I know you can tell me that
        tenth time?                              you want to approach everyone with your ad-
          5.  What will be the advertising message?  vertisement (especially when it‘s so expensive)
        What do I want to say and what should they  but that‘s not how it works. Let everyone buy
        remember? We will also talk more about this  your wines, I agree, I would also like to work for
        phase in a moment.                       all winemakers in the country… But your ad-
          6. A  communication strategy. Every adver-  vertising is not meant for everyone. You want
        tisement, even a  cheap one, deserves some  to satisfy everyone with your off er  but  you
        thinking and a proper strategy. At this stage,  can‘t approach all of them with your ad. That‘s
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