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all there. Only then will you decide which attri- from the competition in this part. One thing
butes to use by upgrading them to values. is that by drinking Czech and Moravian (Alen-
z he first column of the table will contain tejo, Kakheti, Sancerre, Oregon...) wines, I say
all functional values. For individual varieties or something about myself in the first level; in
the resulting coupages, in short, for each type the second level, I define myself by choosing
of product, write the most comprehensive list a specifi c variety or winemaker, even the pro-
of properties, such as: taste, aroma, colour, cess or responsibility of the production, etc.
variety and its properties, specifics of produc- This is closely related to building a brand of
tion, ripening time, terroir and anything else individual wineries. The brand that does not
you can think of. Just remember, this part of have a real brand behind it may not be able to
the list must include „physical“ or if you want defi ne anything at all in this part of the table.
„real“, verifiable and measurable properties… And that‘s a pity!
Look for and find anything that can be pho- And what to do next with the table?
tographed, measured, compared with others. 1. Once you have completed the table, take
Don‘t turn your nose up at anything, as you the most important target groups to which
don‘t know what will come in handy yet. Try to you want to sell the goods and find out what
find at least 10 such features! values they profess.
z The second part of your table should con- 2. Based on the target groups and their spe-
tain anything meaningful in terms of emotional cifics, determine the value that will speak for
values. As we know, they do not really exist, we your product.
have them only in our minds, in our hearts, in 3. If you have the courage, time and money,
our imaginations. But they sell. An axe, second, determine it for yourself and only then reassu-
third, fourth. All similar. What is the diff erence re the world that this is a value that has not
between them? e.g. in the idea of the country of been here before and that the world must
origin because an axe from the north must be want it and long for it. That‘s another way,
better than the one that from the south. After even this is a strategy.
all, watches from Switzerland are more accura- However, what is certain is that the value
te than watches from the Mediterranean. Ideas, sells better than the best product. A value
stories, feelings, it all belongs here. Don‘t look does not need a pleasing design or instruction
down at the idea that you are writing down manual.
what seems to be nonsense. They are not non- Each of us imagines safety, beauty, help or
sense but very powerful emotional attributes wisdom in our own way. Each of us is diff erent.
that often influence your customer‘s decisions But we all care about our values - by the way,
much more than any physical property. Emoti- we all have the same ones, just arranged dif-
ons and stories sell, as you already know! ferently - we all really care about our values.
z he third part of the table will contain Much more than about the money we spend
the values of the so-called “self-expression”. in order to achieve them.
What will the product say for me and about So, don‘t laugh at those Miss Universes
me, what values do I profess? What do I want from American comedies. Their greatest
to say by the brand of the pants I wear, by value in life is world peace. Instead of lau-
the brand of the car I get out of, by the brand ghing at them, convince them that it is your
I use to shave my face with? Am I thoughtful? product that will make their value become
Responsible? Am I a tough guy or a poet? reality. Do not laugh at the values and provi-
This part of the table is diffi cult to fill in, so- de them. Only in this way will your wines be
metimes almost impossible. But try hard, you the best helper for a „valuable life“, for the life
may find something that makes you diff erent that each of us desires. Even the abstainers.ƅ