P. 74
A SEAMLESS SERIES kunft” (Taste the Origin) campaign at the
OF FOUR CAMPAIGNS end of March, which directed Austrian con-
The fi rst lockdown in spring 2020, and clo- sumers to these specific channels. This cam-
sures in the on-trade especially, forced wine- paign saw increased effectiveness thanks to
makers and the AWMB to rethink their do- the 600 winemakers who took part via social
mestic sales strategy in a very short space of media.
time, shifting the focus onto the sales chan- The first campaign was followed by three
nels that were still open: retail, online and further seasonal campaigns that slightly over-
ex cellar. To provide immediate support, the lapped, bringing a boost in wine sales. Run-
AWMB launched the “Schmecke die Her- ning between May and August, the G’spri-
tzer campaign, promoting the Austrian white
Burgenland © AWMB / Marcus Wiesner
wine spritz, attracted consumers back to bars
and Heurige (wine taverns) once they had
reopened. In July, the AWMB launched its lar-
gest wine tourism campaign to date: Auf zum
Wein (All Aboard for Wine). This campaign
brought domestic tourists and those from
neighbouring countries to Austria’s wine-
growing regions.
By October, this campaign alone had gene-
rated an audience of 99 million people across
Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Finally,
starting in November, the AWMB launched the
Weine zum Fest (Wines for the Festive Se-
ason) campaign to encourage an end-of-year
season centred around wine, with the goal of
promoting consumption at home.
These four campaigns reached a total au-
dience of 135.5 million people across Austria,
Germany and Switzerland.
In addition, in spite of the coronavirus situa-
tion and the unfavourable conditions, the SA-
LON Austrian Wine competition was still able
to take place, with the 270 award-winning
SALON wines being promoted at numerous
events throughout Austria.