P. 77
Philippe Bouvet
Since september 2018, he is the Marketing Director of CIVA
(Conseil Interprofessionnel des Vins d’Alsace). Before that Philippe
had various significant roles in marketing in major FMCG/food
companies. With the support of President and Director, Philippe
is passionate about reinventing wine codes, driving value and
transforming the full potential of wines of Alsace.
pandemic. Indeed, the year 2019 ended with
COMMUNICATION WHEN TRADE a growth in volumes of Alsace wines of + 2.5%,
SHOWS ARE CANCELLED? the best evolution of the last 20 years, refl ecti-
ng the new dynamic in which the vineyard has
The COVID-19 crisis has impacted the en- been engaged for several years.
tire value chain. The whole wine sector has The Alsace Rebound Plan was built upon
been shaken in France and internationally. the arrival of the pandemic by the CIVA teams.
In this context, the Alsatian vineyard was the Rather than multiplying many small initiatives
first and the only French vineyard to design „to reassure ourselves“, this plan focused on
and put in place a comprehensive support eff ective, challenging actions and improving
plan. Called „PLAN REBOND“, this plan was Alsace‘s strengths, both with B2B business to
launched in May 2020. It consisted business) and B2C (business to custo-
in preserving as much as possible mer). Among the actions undertaken,
the dynamic that was that of Alsa- we can mention four.
ce wines before the arrival of the Example 1: CIVA
used the pictures
of the Alsatian
vineyard and
faces of Alsatian
winemakers as the
first partner of the
„J’Aime Mon Bistrot“
platform, the largest
platform of solidarity
with the actors of the
HoReCa (CHR - cafe, ho-
tel, restaurant) set up
in France. Through this
partnership, Alsace wines have shown their
support for the entire café-hotel-restaurant
All CIVA leaders together - Philippe Bouvet, Gilles sector, which has been heavily impacted by
Neusch, president Didier Pettermann and Thierry the crisis.
Fritsch. The agency is based in Colmar on avenue Example 2: in order to support the CHR
de la Foire aux Vins. sector but also the entire direct sales circuit