P. 81
and winemaking processes that had to be with the EU Association Agreement, Moldo-
better streamlined to avoid virus-spread, to van wine industry finally gained a real hope
marketing and communication that had to for a full recovery. Covid-19 pandemics has
support and strengthen the people-to-peo- hit hard, especially the Moldovan vintners‘
ple communication. self-confidence, who estimated a loss of up to
Moldova‘s winemaking industry has gone 70% in sales at the rise of the outbreak in Ap-
through multiple hurdles along the centu- ril 2020. The 2020 severe drought and lower
ries. It had survived the Ottoman Empire‘s yields in the last decade amplified the wine
bans on viticulture in medieval times and to industry‘s consolidation around a common
Gorbatchev Anti-Alcohol campaigns pushing agenda for resilience.
vineyards unrooting and switching from wi- Since 85% of the wines produced in Moldo-
nemaking to juice production. Painful again va are exported to 63 markets, the Moldovan
later in 2006 and 2013 when Russian Federa- wine industry‘s strategic objective was to
tion imposed an unfair embargo on all wine keep Wine of Moldova aware of its key mar-
imports from Moldova. kets and keep a closer communication with
Moldovan wines have survived and resha- its consumers. Since the trade fairs, wine tas-
ped with higher quality, better marketing, tings and all kind of events were banned, the
and national pride around the `national pro- Moldovan National Offi ce for Vine and Wine
duct` - the Wine of Moldova.
With 5 years of the continued growth of Wine is a symbol of national pride for Moldovans
wine exports‘ value (67% CAGR growth of the and the National Wine Day is a three-day holiday
value of exports to EU markets, accounting that stops traffic on the main boulevard in front of
for 65% of the total wine exports). Achieved the Government Offi ce Palace.