P. 83
of over 30 live concerts with local musicians, of that #MyWine project works well and is an
online shows with Moldovan actors, chefs, outstanding example of a community-driven
sommeliers, tourism guides, growing intensi- support initiative for the small wine produ-
vely due to the user-generated content. cers amid an unprecedented crisis, changing
As a result, the group gathered over 5600 the wine marketing patterns to fit the new
participants, from Moldova, Romania, Italy, realities and building partnerships among
Great Britain, and Portugal, reaching over 10 stakeholders.
million people, about 3 thousand posts, and As such, a pessimistic projection has been
more than 100 thousand reactions. turned into a change of the tone of voice,
The best result is that the small winegro- with a consumer-driven promotion cam-
wers’ sales showed resilience, despite the paign to preserve the emergence of small
HORECA and the tourism stagnation, with an boutique wineries in Moldova, part of Mol-
average growth of +6% in total for the small dovan wine heritage that makes every Mol-
wine producers in 2020. This is the best proof dovan proud. ƅ
Frederico Falcão
President and Chairman of the Boards of Wines of Portugal.
Winemaker with accumulated experience in national and
international markets. Former President of the Directive Council
of the Vine and Wine Institute, the public Institute that regulates
and controls the wine sector in Portugal, representing Portugal
in the International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV) between
2012 and 2018.
Total Portuguese wines exports in 2020 inc- cancelled, we have a great number of alterna-
reased 3.25% in value and 5.27% in volume. If tive promotion activities, depending on the
we exclude Port wine, the increase was 7.92% target market. In some countries we did pro-
in value and 7.01% in volume. So, this means motion on site, in wine shops, in some other
that Port wine exports had a decrease in value countries we did supermarket promotion,
and in volume (-4.39% and -1.22%, respectly). TV promotions, online tastings, virtual wine
Our goal, in the wine sector is to reach 1 bi- fairs… all depending on the strategy per mar-
lion in exports by 2023, and we are quite con- ket and the targets we wanted to achieve.
fident that we are able to achieve those num- In the US market, we are creating a Virtual
bers, since portuguese wines are becoming Wine Fair, we have many online tastings, pro-
more and more famous and the sales of are motion in online wine sales projects, retail
wines are gaining quota in our major markets. promotion and a bigger investment in social
Regarding our bulk wine exports, they drec- media, along with publicity in several maga-
reased in value and in volume (-14.97% and zines; In Canada, we have promotion in state
-19.24%). This is not a preocupation for us, sin- wine shops (SAQ and LCBO, mainly), sponsor
ce our goal is to increase the exports in quali- TV shows on wine and cuisine and social me-
ty wine, branded Portugal, and not the wine dia. Being that the wine business is controlled
commodity business. by the State, it´s difficult to implement other
Despite the fact trade fairs are banned and activities. ƅ