P. 87
les existed, only traditions. When the traditions hot climates. I‘m not going to name names,
were tested against the science, they failed. but you know who they are. They are in Pro-
Almost everyday now, I read in the wine me- vence, they are in Lebanon, they are in Israel,
dia about how global warming necessitates us (maybe even Texas). They‘re all over the place
to pull up vineyards, move north (or south), if you think about it. Why not just call them up
develop new varieties, replant vineyards. This and ask them, „Hey, tell us how you do it?“ If
would take many decades and cost many billi- you don‘t want to talk to me, there are plenty
ons of dollars. Let me suggest a rational app- others. It won‘t sell as well as crisis journalism,
roach. There are many outliers which make fa- but we are talking about saving decades of
mously great wine in warmer to hotter to very time and countless billions of dollars or Euro.
Edita Ďurčová
Edita is a skilled Slovak wine trader and importer. She is a big
promoter of Slovak wines abroad thanks to her multilingual
equipment. Edita is a good ambassador of RONA wine glasses.
She created her own wine brand Editio, she is an unmissable
organizer of the wine movement in Slovakia. She is recognized
international wine judge.
Wine Trade
#3 the Day After
I was asked to say something about the in- vers have comfortably welcome the option to
ternational wine trade, how would it change order fine wines and try them at home, to be-
„after“. Will the prices drop? What about the nefit from the recommendation of their virtual
big players? Are we expecting the wine sea sommelier... There is definitely a future for that.
to be even more overflowing ? World wine Nevertheless, I suppose, that as soon as this
market glutted? I was asked to be a visionaire. „covid nightmare“ is over, all kind of wine
But I am not. However, I am an experienced events will just bloom and boom! Wine fairs
optimist and I absolutely see the light at the and exhibitions, open cellars, wine & dine,
end of the (wine) tunnel. I have been in the wine tastings, vineyard visits, all kind of
wine business for more than twenty years, wine parties... sooner or later this is going to
not too long. Still, I dare to say, what (in my happen again and more intense. To be more
opinion) has always been the most important precise, I expect the on-trade to thrive. Hone-
in the trade and in life in general: adaptation, stly, the imposed model to buy wine and drink
flexibility, creativity, imagination and patien- at home, sometimes even alone, is something
ce. Now, we all had to adapt to the pande- that does not go along with the overall legacy
mic situation. Many wine professionals that I of wine. To enjoy wine without sharing the ex-
know just switched into a virtual reality very perience definitely does not work for me!
flexibly: promoting, offering and selling wine, My honest vision for the „Day After“ in wine
wine experience and wine education online. trade is promising. I strongly believe that our indu-
The more creative and imaginative, the better! stry will quickly recover and arise from the ashes.
The off-trade operators have been living their For the time being, I just want to share my
momentum like never before. Will this trend hope and optimism.
continue? Will the off-premise consumption Stay safe, healthy, faithful and patient.
be even stronger? I suspect that many wine lo- See You soon in better times!