P. 92


          LET´S GO DIGITAL!

          Much more than thinking about the here  masse. Used in the wine business, they fit like
        and now is to think about how every decisi-  Schumacher in the Ferrari cockpit!
        on you make can impact positively on your   According to a study by the London School
        business in the next coming years. Live today,  of Economics, 39% of the world population
        look forward! This is how you can stay ahead of  uses at least one social media platform. Wine-
        your competitors. If you plan and adapt your  lovers are hanging on Wine Search or Vivino
        marketing model and strategies for the future,  almost daily. The penetration among your cus-
        thinking about the challenges that are coming  tomers will reach almost „full house“.
        up, you will be in a much better and healthier   It means, one of the biggest factors in pre-
        position than your competitors, most of whom  paring for the future is understanding the di-
        will be worrying about what’s happening now.  gital world and social media landscape.
          If you plan and adapt your marketing model   Understanding that GRP (Gross Rating
        and strategies for the future, you are thinking  Point) and Impressions are the most vulnerab-
        in digital terms, virtual reality, online tastings  le metrics as the industry moves to a results-
        and social media platforms. Or not yet?  -based KPI model will allow you to be ahead of
          The power of Facebook and Instagram ads is  the curve in preparing your agency and your
        incredible for businesses of all shapes and si-  clients for a more success-driven marketplace.
        zes. As far as digital marketing services go, so-  That’s because all of that data they keep, you
        cial ads are a great, cost-effective way to reach  can advertise against, making your ad cam-
        a serious number of people in a short space  paigns laser targeted and seen only by peo-
        of time and proves that you don‘t need to be  ple you know will be a fit for what you do. The
        a multi-million-pound company to target en  amount of data social platforms keep on their
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