P. 94
Vladimír Buťa
For 10 years marketing & sales director of Mediatel. One of his
„children“ and passions is the Yext/Mext platform, a tool that
enables both large and small companies to effectively manage
their website and social media presence so that search engines
award them top positions in their search results..
In this article, I have described the basic and most important reasons why you
should not underestimate working with the basic information that you tell
your customers about yourself on the Internet. Of course, for example, SEO is
a complex and demanding discipline, just like many other marketing activi-
ties. However, the absolute basis of the company‘s marketing on the Internet
described here can really be managed by everyone.
People have been massively moving to the It works the same way as when you are buil-
Internet for a long time and they live their ding a house - if you don‘t have a solid founda-
everyday lives there. Pandemics, various loc- tion, even the most beautiful house built on it
kdowns, hygienic measures and people‘s fear will start to crack and maybe collapse.
have accelerated this move. New groups of Let‘s take a look at how to easily build such
users - older people – have now entered the a foundation and strengthen the position of
Internet and started using it. your business on the Internet in the eyes of
People‘s behavior on the Internet has also customers. It is not so difficult; it does not re-
changed. They shop online much more; the quire any special skills or knowledge.
situation has forced them to overcome the
distrust of online payments for goods. Caution Tip No. 1 – Strengthen the perception of
and concern force them to search for informa- your brand (company) in the minds of your
tion much more and the communication cha- customers.
os and rapid changes in various measures have The reputation of your business depends on
taught them to verify, e.g., opening hours and many circumstances. It is formed through all
the availability of services. These trends are si- places of interaction of your brand with the
milar worldwide, the differences in developed customer, not only in the off-line environment.
countries are not so big. On the street, in your establishment, through
Therefore, it is more necessary than ever to the behavior of your employees, salespeople,
present your company and your business on those that are in contact with your product,
the Internet correctly in this situation. And this on the Infoline but of course also in the online
applies to both small family-owned wine ce- environment.
llars and large wineries. Do you have a website? Do you communica-
Build the right and solid foundation for your te on social networks? Do people write com-
Internet marketing. You can successfully build ments on your brand (company) in various di-
further communication or advertising only if it rectories, social networks and catalogs or even
is based on a solid foundation. on Google? All of this has a significant impact