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                                                               social networking) tell their
                                                               users directly whether your
                                                               business or establishment
                                                               is open or closed. And some
                                                               services will even suggest
                                                               a competing open company
                                                               when the ones at the sear-
                                                               ched location are closed. So,
                                                               don‘t forget to update your
                                                               opening hours, especially in
                                                               the case of holidays, state ho-
                                                               lidays or illnesses.  You have
                                                               no idea how important this
                                                               information is for the user
                                                               and how much it influences
          Local search means that people search in   their decision-making process.
        the specific area in which they live or move.    Check your information and make sure
        They refine their search by adding a specific   you have the same contact information, ad-
        location. This must be reflected in both the   dresses and information on all referring servi-
        website and „link building“ - i.e.                   ces as well as on your website.
        backlinks for search engines in                         Whether you do everything
        the most relevant channels on                        manually in a time-consuming
        the Internet with an accurate                        way or with the YEXT synchro-
        and up-to-date address.                              nization platform, this is one of
          In the case of mobile phones,                      the basic conditions for users to
        it is the so-called  “proximity                      find you in those places on the
        search” - i.e.  „searching in the                    Internet that they like to use.
        vicinity“. You have surely alrea-                     The YEXT synchronization plat-
        dy noticed this in the case of                       form works on the principle of
        searching on Google or Google                        a single structured and com-
        maps and, for example, Face-                         prehensive data set, suitable for
        book, TripAdvisor, Waze or even                      search engines and other servi-
        the  Yellow pages, other direc-                      ces. In the web interface, you
        tories and catalogues as well as                     create a comprehensive set of
        many other (especially mobile)                       information about your compa-
        applications work similarly.                         ny, which you then have in one
          Also in this case, it is impor-                    single place and the synchroni-
        tant not only to be in these                         zation platform automatically
        places but to be there correctly,                    copies it to the partner network.
        with comprehensible and up-                          Thanks to that, you don‘t have
        -to-date information.                      to worry about your information being cur-
           The most important information for users   rent and consistent. In addition, they can co-
        includes not only contact information and   llect user reviews and comments about your
        the field of your activity but also, for exam-  business and send you notifications of new
        ple, opening hours. Many services (such as   reviews. This saves a lot of time and energy
        Google and Google My Business, navigation,   that you would otherwise have to spend on
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