P. 100
to be highly relevant and will give priority to z ield classification
that company‘s website. z Opening hours
Of course, the most relevant for a search z Link to the website (of course)
engine are its related services - for exam- Do not underestimate local searches on mo-
ple, Google is Google My Business, as well as bile phones - i.e. in the vicinity
strong, traditional and proven services with z Be on Google Maps and other map mate-
high traffic and frequent updates - social ne- rials with the right information
tworks, verticals and specialized services (e.g. z Make sure that your business address or
TripAdvisor for travelling), catalogues and registered office address is correct
directories but also blogs and news portals. z Make it easier for search engines to find
Your company must therefore be included at yours in your region - by combining the right
least in the most important ones. And by that I keywords and fields in relation to the area of
don‘t mean that you have to buy a paid profile your business
in every service and every catalog. Free listings
will do the same job for you when it comes to Tip No. 4 Work with reviews and
search engines. respond to them
Ratings, reviews, comments and recommen-
HYPERMOBILE TIME dations - you have surely met them, you pro-
So, don‘t just rely on a link from a search en- bably don‘t like them very much, you are
gine to your site! To reach a better and more convinced that they are unfair to you and that
visible position, work also with the records of they don‘t really help you much.
your company in maps, applications and indu- It‘s just the opposite. They can help you a
stry verticals. It is not only the topicality and lot. Your business rating has an increasing im-
the greatest possible relevance but often also pact on whether customers choose you and
the method of search that matters here. Cyc- Google, for example, is already working with
lists in your area who want to visit the nearest ratings when displaying search results.
winery will certainly use a mobile phone and Reviews are no longer just a tool to deni-
different applications and tools than a person grate the competition and users are aware of
in the office 200 km away on their laptop. this when they read them. The problem is not
Reviews and ratings of the company also a few bad reviews but it is more and more im-
play a role here - if a user is looking for the best portant how and whether at all you react to
winery in the area, then Google will prefer tho-
se with the highest number of stars over those
with a bad rating, which they will not offer to
such a user at all.
Follow at least the basic and simplest rules
that can help you become more traceable and
rank higher not only in search results but also
in other services:
Keep the following basic information as up-
-to-date and most importantly consistent (the
same) in the most relevant search engine sites
as possible:
z Always use the same name
z he same address – e.g. square versus sq.
z he same contact phone number