P. 101


        them. And more and more people use them as   3.  Don‘t be afraid to ask for an evaluation -
        their guide when making their choice.    you are often on the spot, you can see whether
          Did you know that a one-star difference in   the customer was satisfied, whether they liked
        the average rating means a 5-9% difference in   the winery, whether they liked your wine. Ask
        sales?                                   the customer while he or she has this experi-
                                                 ence fresh in their memory. Use a small busi-
          TIME : MATTERS                         ness card with a QR code leading to reviews
          What if your rating could simply be impro-  on Google, „Recommendations“ on Facebook
        ved? Watch it in real time and respond to it   on your fan page or your own rating tool on
        as quickly as possible - there is no point in   your website. Simply ask and positive reviews
        responding to a review a month after it was   will swarm in.
        published.                                 4.  Respond to reviews - The right respon-
          The customer will very often improve   se to reviews is crucial. How do you respond
        their bad rating of you based on a quick and    to reviews? Have you encountered answers
        CORRECT response.                        which hurt, which are aggressive or mocking
          1. Follow reviews from multiple places -   or attempts to dishonor the customer? How
        don‘t just focus on Facebook or Google. What   did they affect you as a potential customer?
        about  TripAdvisor,  YELP, Zomato?  Work with
        more information. You will then be able to ea-  „Sorry“ is not enough.
        sily track what customers like and where you   The most important thing when answering
        have reserves.                           is to suppress your ego and respond with fo-
          2.  The customer is always right - even if they   resight, to avoid losing not only the given cus-
        are not. You don‘t want to lose your customer   tomer but also others. You can even get new
        forever.                                 customers. It is necessary to realize that you
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