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stories, you provide recommendations, advi-
ce - you simply have influence, you have the
know-how and you can pass it on. Of course,
nothing can replace personal contact, but on-
line wine tastings are common today, as well
as sales and also the promotion of the brand
and its development across online channels.
Let‘s take a closer look at these options.
Especially social networks have become
the trend of the decade. You may also find
opinions that the web is dead, because these
networks replace it (this is the opinion of the
younger generation in particular, for whom
the Internet is practically synonymous with
social networks). Social media undoubtedly
belong among the most important areas of
the online space and they have replaced or
supplemented other classic news channels
(newspapers, TV).
Facebook, which is the most popular so-
cial network in the world will surely pop on
your mind. However, Facebook has become tworks, many companies get by without clas-
far more than just a place where you can co- sic websites, which are used more as a kind
nnect with old friends and view their vacati- of web business card than a „meeting place“,
on photos. Leaving aside the controversy that of course, with the exception of e-commerce
accompanies the company regarding the pro- sites with e-shops or platforms for multime-
tection of users‘ personal data, Facebook is a dia entertainment (Youtube, Netflix, HBO GO,
very effective and comprehensive marketing etc.). It is because social platforms provide
tool that allows you to promote and sell your everything that companies and brands need
brand and production, gain new customers, for promotion, communication and sales. We
communicate with existing ones, all very easi- will show the possibilities of social networks
ly and effectively. That is, effectively only if you in more detail on Facebook and we will also
can set up your communication correctly (find introduce other social networks that define
a suitable target group and communicate well today‘s Internet.
with it). You can often find out that rather than Social networks also offer perhaps the fas-
focusing on crowded Facebook, it is possible test and perhaps most effective advertising
to communicate on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twi- options. If you are wondering which way to
tter, Clubhouse or other networks... go, the fastest and most reliable way is to open
Being on social networks today is a matter of
course and, above all, a necessity - it is a place and there you will learn all about advertising
where your customers are and it is also a place on the currently most powerful medium -
where they will look for you. Google. However, now we will not search, but
With a well-established profile on social ne- communicate.