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are not only responding to one review for one your response more personal. Apologize, if
customer but also for all others who will read it it is needed and reflect the customer’s emo-
in the future. And that everyone is very happy tions: “We are very sorry that XXX happened
to read them. A new and very effective com- and we understand how you feel. We strive to
munication channel opens up for you and on train our personal on a long-term basis… “We
top of that, it is free. In each response to both are sorry for your experience…”, “We are very
a positive and a negative review, you can say happy…”
the essential thing about your company that z Confirm the customer’s experience when
can decide whether the customer chooses you responding to a negative evaluation – thank
rather than the competition. your customer for support in case of a positive
“It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one,” review
said George Washington. I don´t think so, but z Conclusion – polite and personal goodbye.
on the other hand, I am sick of the people z A bonus is a re-purchase invitation -
excusing in any sentence. They do not perce- whether by stating you will provide the cus-
ive the meaning of the words they say. This is tomer with a new, better experience or a call
not an excuse, but a phrase like how are you. to continue with the excellent service they
A real apology usually requires justification. recommend.
„Sorry“ is not enough. z we believe that you will return to us soon
and you will be convinced that we have already
How to Provide the Right Response fixed xxx“
z Greeting - a friendly opening, mentio- z „thank you for liking the wine and you will
ning the customer‘s name or surname. see that the next time you buy it, it will again not
z Confirmation of values - here is an oppor- disappoint you“
tunity to make a statement that sheds a po-
sitive light on your brand and confirms your If you have an overview of your reviews, you
values. For example: will respond to them the right way and quick-
z “In our winery, we focus on the best service ly, while you will also learn from them and
for our customers.”… take advantage of the opportunity offered by
z When producing our wine, we use only.…“ this feedback to improve your services; your
z entiment keyword — this part makes guests and customers will appreciate it. ƅ