P. 105
Every Platform Needs a Different Language
FACEBOOK EASILY AND QUICKLY reputation and fame.
The hardest part is always to start, but Face- Be careful about creating paid campaigns,
book is such an accessible and intuitive plat- it‘s more effective to promote authentic me-
form that there is perhaps no better place to ssages than to focus purely on sales conver-
start „being digital“. You can set up a company sions (such as creating display ads). However,
website on Facebook for free, and you will also even these can be justified, for example in a
receive a number of powerful tools available situation where you need to support your e-
free of charge that facilitate commercial activi- -shop. Don‘t forget to target them and make
ties (i.e. paid advertising). several creatives that you can compare with
Of course, winemakers have different pri- each other to get maximum efficiency for each
orities than focusing on social networks; ho- dollar or euro or Czech crown spent.
wever, moving around the Facebook environ-
ment does not require any special approach or WHAT TO SHARE?
technology. Just follow the general rules. The motto „content is king“ is not said for
First of all, it is necessary to understand that nothing. People like exclusive news, informa-
Facebook is a world of its own. On Facebook, tion from „behind the scenes“, they are both
anyone can set up a business page that allows inquiring and curious. Keep in mind that you
them to trade, connect with others and share don‘t have to create content only for your cus-
information. It has its own rules and laws and tomers, but you can also create content for
a certain way of communication is also used other colleagues in your field who are in the
here. Facebook crosses geographical and na- same situation as you are. You can educate
tional borders and it is accessible to anyone others and provide them with advice and help.
wherever there is an Internet access. You can Certainly not every post should be an adverti-
share any information here, on any medium or sement or a commercial message.
in any format.
Facebook offers many ways to promote your WHAT CONTENT WORKS ON
business and communicate with your custo- FACEBOOK - WHAT CAN YOU TRY?
mers - from the aforementioned creation of
a Facebook page for your business, through z Online wine tasting
the establishment of your own group to the Open a bottle of wine in a live broadcast and
launch of a targeted advertising campaign. share your experience with the audience. You
The most important thing for success on can teach them how to pour wine, you can tell
Facebook is activity. When you decide for them how it tastes, give them a few tips on
Facebook, you need to let people know that suitable combinations with meals. You don‘t
you are active and engage your followers in need any special technology to shoot and
the conversation as much as possible. Share stream online - today‘s smartphones can sho-
news, inform about what you do, how you do ot videos in sufficient quality..
it, invite them to respond, answer comments
and questions. Your followers must always feel z Evaluation
that you care about them, that you pay your Maybe you have already tasted an infinite
attention to them. Don‘t know where to start number of wines and talked to other experts.
looking for the first fans and followers? Start Write down your findings, tell your followers
with your loyal customers, family members how the wine tasted and what are the best
and friends - they can help you spread your ways to drink it.