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twork, because just as Facebook or Instagram Social Media can provide
have “aged”, it can be expected that in the a conversational extension to
coming years TikTok users will reach an age a B2B company’s nurturing
when it is appropriate to communicate with
them on a larger scale. programs.
Social Media gives us the
TROLL ON THE NETWORK opportunity to humanize our
Each of the social networks available today
has its own specifics, yet they all have a num- communications and make our
ber of common points. One of the aspects that companies more approachable.
all social networks have in common is the so- Ardath Albee
-called trolls. If you move / want to move on-
line, you will sooner or later come across trolls. THE INTERNET FULL
These are provocateurs, mockers and haters OF OPPORTUNITIES
- in short, beings you better ignore. Be care- The Internet and social networks are great
ful - communication on social networks must helpers in today‘s world, making it easier for
never get out of your hand and you must alwa- you to reach customers and start a form of
ys maintain your decorum. Despite of any criti- „digitization“. Thanks to modern technologies,
cism, swearing or insults falling on your head, you will not lose contact with your customers
you must always keep a cool head and never and, last but not least, with colleagues from
lose your temper. There are various „pests“ on the industry. You don‘t have to be afraid of the
the Internet and on social networks, in parti- Internet and social networks - try, explore and
cular and it is almost certain that someone will learn. There is no need to push it, activities on
start picking on you as well. If you find yourself the Internet and on social networks in particu-
in a situation where a troll starts bombarding lar should entertain not only your customers,
you, first try to react decently, if the conversati- but also you.
on turns into a spiral of insults, ignore the per- Conversations are happening whether you
son, because that‘s the only way to deal with are there or not. Activate your fans, don’t just
trolls and work somehow peacefully online. collect them like baseball cards. ƅ