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Pain is temporary strategy for the biggest video platforms, you
and we beat ourselves are going to lose”. If you aren’t sure how to go
up for not being productive about doing that, Gary has written a detailed
blog on where and how to create content for
or motivated during social media channels that can get you started.
these cloudy days.
“While picture quality and tight edits are nice,
the real quality of the content comes from the
Without the grace and mercy of search engine creator. If you are authentic and passionate
rankings, or other platforms, you can main- about what you are doing, that is going to reso-
tain a strong bonding with your segmented nate with people much more than just a fancy
list of subscribers via email. Nobody can take edit of something you don’t care about” Gary
the active subscribers off your hands but you. warns.
Gary presses on the idea of providing values Truly, being authentic will determine the
to your audience through emails.You can gain quality of your content, not fancy equipment.
credibility for your brand, products, and servi- But how do you make sure you are being
ces and avoid becoming spam. authentic? Start by not overthinking anything
related to your marketing activities. Make sure
SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING to give a personalized experience to your au-
By implementing smart strategies, Gary Vee dience through your content. Post only what
suggests making the best use of social media you’re comfortable and confident discussing
to magically showcase your business. Here, and don’t worry about sharing TMI (= too
we have listed a few amazing tips that Gary much information), let your egos go. This en-
suggests for your small business social media sures you are being authentic to your audien-
marketing. ce at all times and on all platforms resulting in
z Post Valuable Content the gain of more loyal customers.
Gary holds a different content marketing
concept for social media. He recommends START INFLUENCER MARKETING
every small business provide values instead of From the times of John Wayne selling ciga-
focusing on sales. Further, you have to provide rettes on the cover of magazines, influencer
quality content that your target audience is in- marketing has long been a great way to mar-
terested in consuming. ket and sell products.
z Let Social Media Channels Pave the Way
Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and others
pave a great way to producing quality con-
tent for you. Gary says to repost everything to
your social media pages even if it is irrelevant
to your niche. This is a great way to grab the
attention of active users that are under diffe-
rent age groups, genders, locations, etc.
z Video Content
Moreover, video content is king on social
media. Gary suggests that “No matter what
you’re selling, no matter what your compa-
ny does, if you don’t have a video marketing