P. 109
We’re living at a time when
depth certain topics). It is possible to start pro-
DɹHQWLRQ LV WKH QHZ FXUUHQF\ ce recordings in which participants discuss in
Those who insert themselves into filing yourself as an expert on a certain topic
on this young social network, while in terms
as many channels as possible look of efficiency it is primarily a bet on the future
set to capture the most value.. - you will develop a name in the community
that starts from scratch and later it will be dif-
Pete Cashmore
ficult for a bigger brand to overtake you. At
Clubhouse, it is advisable to involve profes-
reach your target group directly via LinkedIn, sionals from other fields in conversations and
but it is necessary to choose the appropria- create interesting conversations, which you
te format and timing. There is nothing worse can draw attention to, for example, from your
than another irrelevant conversation, a spon- other communication channels.
sored message that does not reflect the inte-
rests of the respondent. There is one golden TIKTOK PHENOMENON
rule to follow before you start any business If the millennials have fled to Instagram, the
communication on LinkedIn - don‘t forget to younger generation Z has fled to TikTok. TikTok
do your homework. Take your time to prepa- is one of the fastest growing social networks
re for the person you want to approach, do a today. The platform allows you to shoot short
short research of his or her interest and tailor videos, edit them and complement them with
your letter to them. LinkedIn premium allows music, effects… It doesn‘t sound too sophisti-
you to directly approach people outside the cated, but it‘s a huge phenomenon in recent
group of your contacts. In addition to directly years. TikTok follows a completely different
reaching business partners or end consumers, path than traditional social networks, alt-
LinkedIn also offers a sponsored content op- hough it is true that you will also find company
tion that is more effective than paid display profiles here and brands are promoted here,
ads. The overall rule on LinkedIn is that there but first of all, it is necessary to realize what
is a direct proportion between the amount of target group there is.
energy you put into the game and the result TikTok is an interesting platform; showing
you can expect in the end. oneself off there is somewhat original and
The specificity of LinkedIn is that it is a social unusual. On the other hand, the community
network that enjoys the greatest trust from its there is quite uncompromising and mistakes
users, which can be followed up in communi- and „empty profiles“ are not forgiven here.
cation with clients. Jovial topics do not fall on TikTok is about shocking, entertaining, ma-
fertile ground on LinkedIn, but of course this king fun and crazy videos - in short, exhibiting
does not mean dull communication is suita- without hesitation and the more bizarre, the
ble. On the contrary, education in a fun way better. And it‘s definitely not for everyone.
and interesting business conversations are the From the point of view of wine marketing,
right openers for spreading your brand. the age of the target group is especially pro-
blematic (officially 16-24, but we often meet
PODCASTS OR PREFERABLY younger teenagers using the platform). It is
CLUBHOUSE CONVERSATIONS possible to work with TikTok, considering it ra-
One of the most dynamically growing social ther supplementary communication, knowing
networks is certainly Clubhouse, which, unlike that promoting alcoholic beverages among
others, allows you to listen to or participate in minorities is not only non-ethical, but also ille-
discussions not dissimilar to podcasts (i.e. voi- gal. However, it is good to know about the ne-