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HOW MUCH DOES ADVERTISING ON than you want, such as a campaign spending
FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM COST limit, which sets the maximum amount you‘re
AND WHERE TO LOOK FOR IT willing to spend on an the given campaign.
If you decide to take the route of paid ad- You can also set the maximum amount you‘re
vertising on Facebook and Instagram (since willing to pay for all your campaigns.
both platforms belong to the same parent If you‘re promoting a general post that isn‘t
company, they apply similar procedures), you connected with any specific day or date, then
will certainly be interested in the price and in the optimal ad length is five days, and the op-
knowing where to create the ads. The most timal price for such ad is $25, i.e. $5 a day.
common type of advertising on Facebook and
Instagram is a sponsored post, which is also POSTS TO TWITTER ONLY WITH WINE
the most effective advertising. Unlike Instagram, Twitter is not so visually
There are two interfaces available for pur- oriented. This is a network where users „tweets“
chasing Facebook ads. The first is your site, - tweets are short text posts that are displayed
which provides the easiest way to buy ads. to followers of a particular account. Twitter is
However, you won‘t find all the customization especially popular with politicians, who like
options provided by Ads Manager. You can use to exchange views here through tweets, but
a mobile device, computer, or Site Manager to Twitter is no stranger to brands, personalities
make purchases. or the general Internet population.
Ads Manager is an interface that walks you Making a difference on Twitter today requi-
through the steps of creating an advertising res more thorough preparation and approach.
campaign. You can access Ad Manager from You need to be original, inform, entertain your
your Facebook account and it is available on followers and respond quickly.
computers as well as mobile applications. The lifespan of one tweet is a few minu-
Similar to Facebook, you can sponsor your tes before it gets lost forever in the flood of
posts on Instagram for a certain amount and posts, so you need to tweet well and tweet of-
thus increase their reach, results or reactions. ten. Each tweet should also be accompanied
The easiest way on Instagram is to click on by #hashtags, which are keywords that allow
the „Promote“ button next to a specific post. users to search for other similarly targeted
There is a minimum price on Facebook and tweets. It is advisable to use strong „creative
Instagram for which you can buy your spon- stopping power“, i.e. to create an emotional
sorship. This minimum budget is $ 1 per day. message that entertains and has the oppor-
Some types of advanced ads have a different tunity to stand out from the tweets of others.
minimum amount you need to spend to make Twitter works great if you have something to
them work. Facebook automatically notifies say and if you build a quality network of follo-
you when you create them. wers.
You can determine the price of your Face-
book ad by setting a total budget in advan- LINKEDIN – A NETWORK OF
ce for a given time period (such as $ 500 per PROFESSIONALS WHICH
month), or setting a price in advance for each YOU CAN TRUST
result you receive (such as per views, clicks, li- A social network on which it is not rude to
kes...). If you‘re not sure how much to bid, Face- conduct business-oriented communication.
book can automatically bid for you so that your LinkedIn is no longer a dead repository of im-
budget is spent evenly throughout the time pressively tuned resumes. It is a living social
your ad is displayed. There are also other tools network, which is home to one key phenome-
available to ensure that you don‘t spend more non - business. It is not a „bad word“ to try to