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        day and another a month later. People forget          If you make customers
        and such post becomes practically invisible.   unhappy in the physical world,
        Be consistent, add new post at least once a   they might each tell 6 friends.
        day and don‘t forget your audience. It is im-
        portant to build credibility and be seen.             If you make customers
                                                            unhappy on the Internet,
        AND HOW ABOUT INSTAGRAM?                    they can each tell 6,000 friends.
          Today, Facebook is exaggeratedly conside-
        red a social network for pensioners. A genera-                        Jeff Bezos
        tion of younger millennials from Facebook fled
        from the sight of their parents to Instagram,  such a story can bring the desired commercial
        which is simply a social network where photos  effect very easily. You can afford strong crea-
        of food, beautiful people and even unrealisti-  tivity in stories, the Instagram platform allows
        cally arranged lives dominate. Instagram is a  you to insert gifs, music, buttons… you can de
        network that knows much less „hates“ (intole-  facto create small interactive stories that are
        rant reactions) than, for example, Facebook or  difficult to create elsewhere.
        Twitter. Users go to Instagram to admire (whe-  Instagram also has its specifics and local
        ther products or people). However, Instagram  communication has its written and unwritten
        belongs to the same parent company as Face-  rules. As already mentioned, Instagram is all
        book, which makes it easier to work with ads  about visuals and clear messages. The content
        that can be „centrally controlled“.      must be consistent and coherent, creating a
          Instagram relies on visual content. This ne-  meaningful whole. Instagram has a large num-
        twork is especially popular with celebrities. In  ber of filters that can be used to „enhance“ pho-
        conjunction with Instagram, so-called influ-  tos - once you opt for a filter here, always use
        encer marketing works well - this means that  the same one to maintain a consistent visual
        your brand or product is promoted by someo-  identity. It is suitable to use new techniques
        ne influential, beautiful and popular, who has  and high-quality camera-equipped mobiles
        a solid crowd of fans. However, this cooperati-  or even better, reflex cameras. Remember that
        on is really expensive in the case of top influ-  Instagram, like the entire Internet, is also mo-
        encers, on the other hand it can be extremely  ving towards a „moving image“, so don‘t forget
        effective and it is not for nothing that quality  about videos.
        campaigns of multinational brands always   Instagram requires a different approach
        include a network of influencers.        than Facebook. Nevertheless, from a techni-
          For smaller brands, it is advisable to organize  cal point of view, you practically need nothing
        their influencers into so-called „micro influen-  but your smartphone. It‘s just a matter of brin-
        cer groups“, where even five thousand quality  ging your viewers unique and engaging con-
        followers can mean a good opportunity for  tent - again, some posts should appear every
        such a micro influencer - Instagrammer - to  day. And it‘s extremely difficult to come up
        reach a narrower target group. For brands, in-  with original images every day - you should
        volvement of such people in their promotion  not put just any photo on Instagram, but only
        can reduce costs.                        the best ones, the ones that evoke emotion
          The so-called „stories“ a form of communi-  and amazement. And you may soon run out
        cation that lasts on Instagram only 24 hours  of those. For Instagram, you need enthusiasm,
        work very well, . Many users watch the stories  patience and perseverance. It can work great
        of their influencers as vigorously as they used  for building a brand and raising awareness of
        to watch popular TV shows, so advertising in  your activities, but it needs a proper attention.
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