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„Influencer marketing is going to have an in- at the situation or someone else. On the flip
credible global impact for the next era”, Gary side, accepting the issues and assessing them,
Vee has said. Every day on Instagram there are will inform you and make you a smarter digi-
brands that go from $0 to $15 million in sales tal marketer. “All your ideas may be solid or
without any overhead charges or company even good. But you have to actually execute
infrastructure based only on the influencers’ them for them to matter”, says Gary Vee. Work
support. Gary advices enhancing the reach of around the problems and experiment with
your small business through a powerful influ- all possible methods to find the solutions
encer marketing by using the following: that best solve the issues. This will make you
z Give your products/services without stand out from the average digital marketers
charge to influencers. and generate fruitful benefits to your business
z ind the right social media platform that growth.
influencers are active on.
z Partner with the right influencers with a KEEP SMILING
strong follower base to whose audience your A simple way to ensure success and a way to
products/services will be useful thrive with digital marketing for your small bu-
z Reach out to micro-influencers. siness, is to stay positive! Gary says that „Opti-
Gary adds “There is no set price for X influencer mism is the fuel that drives him to the hust-
with Y number of followers and a Z% of engage- le and execution in the marketplace.” As
ment. And there is no one set in stone method you run and market your small business, you
of tracking influencer marketing campaigns. So have to go through failures, downturns, and
test, test, test”. uncertainties at times. When you stay optimis-
By tracking the performance of your influen- tic, it becomes easy for you to pass through all
cer marketing efforts regularly, you can make these rough roads and grab the opportunities
data-driven decisions and create a boom in that lead to quality results on your marketing
the marketing world. journey.
Positivity also allows you to learn from
DON‘T DROWN IN THE OCEAN your failures and makes way to start a new
Digital marketing for small businesses is beginning. Attending seminars, taking online
a big ocean where the results for your digi- motivational courses, reading inspiring sto-
tal marketing efforts cannot be experienced ries, conversing with experts who have gone
overnight. There are times you have to face through such times can build your positive
failures and there are times you have to wait attitude and bring amazing results to your bu-
patiently. This is not meant to discourage siness.
you, but to guide you because only when you At the core of your marketing, and to give
fail will you be able to learn new lessons and yourself a competitive advantage for your
spread your net on the other side or deeper. brand, you need a unique identity. Delivering
Gary shares stories of many small business en- the products and services just as an exact
trepreneurs coming to him and complaining photocopy of your competitors is not going
about the challenges they face at times when to nourish your business. You have to do so-
their marketing tactics do not drive the expec- mething that your competitor doesn’t do like
ted outcomes and warns that „Complaining is showing variations in price, quality, deals,
a defense and is of zero value”. features, technologies, and others. This is what
Gary wants people to focus on fixing the Gary did when he took over his father’s wine
issues in their marketing activities instead of shop. He renamed the store “Wine Library”
looking at the negatives and pointing fingers and launched sales online for the first time.