P. 117
THE FLOOR IS ALL YOURS, GARY “Sustained exhaustion
Let me explain. I use the term “smoke to is not a badge of honor,
fire” as some may use “percolating to action”. it’s a mark of stupidity.”
I also use the analogy (and use a lot of analo-
gies) of having thirty-one balls in the air and Gary Vaynerchuk
dropping seven. The reason I can hold twenty-
-four balls in the air is because I’m always sen- nally productive person. I’ve never mentioned
sing smoke. I’m always ideating and I’m always or admitted that to myself.
adding another layer. Then–boom–people can You can do so many things if you are
watch how it happens. Some may only see the always in “smoke” mode. There’s one idea and
last piece, the final fire; but if they look closely, then there’s another idea. Don’t be afraid to
they can see it build. ideate and create. That’s where I’m going with
This is different from the idea behind “blo- this theory.
od in the water”. Being able to sense smoke Maybe we should create a new genre of
is a process that I’m finally getting to break emotional productivity. That’s what I feel
down for you. I’m embarking on. Maybe I’ll write a book in
It’s about efficiency. 7 years and that will be the most impactful,
“educational” thing I’ve ever done. Again,
I’m always ideating, I’m doing it right now as
I write. I’ll take something from this sit down
that may help me with Wine Text. Or, I’ll take
something from a Gallery Media or One37pm
meeting that’s gonna help me in my speaking
career…smoke to fire is a constant for me.
Someone tagged me in something earlier,
before I wrote this. It said that group thin-
king was better than individual thinking. It
made me think, do I internalize most things as
a group of people would? Rather than just me
the individual. Maybe I’ve always been a Post
Creative Strategist and never realized it.
What I mean is, I’m a human feedback loop.
It’s how I navigate through my content and
it’s how a lot of small businesses can naviga-
te through their own content. Having more
This is about productivity more than any- people around gives me more energy because
thing else. People use tools for efficiencies that’s basically more ways to get feedback. It’s
while I use emotions, perspective, and insight. probably why I have a comedic style to my key-
It’s because a lack of fear makes you more pro- notes, because laughter is such an affirmation.
ductive. You need to have a tremendous relati- Maybe it’s the reason why I curse so much? I’ve
onship with time and understand that in order never thought this through…It also could be
to make progress you must not fear ideation. because I love Richard Pryor and Chris Rock.
Productivity doesn’t have to be Slack or any Regardless, when I curse the first time, I al-
other app. ways use that reaction to gauge my language.
Some people are like me and I’m not a literal, Using emotion and empathy when communi-
productive person. I’m a theoretical, emotio- cating adds to the “smoke”…it’ll help you con-