P. 121
Jakub Rejzek
is a telecommunications expert, head of the Association
of Telecommunications Operators, President of the Committee
of the Independent ICT Industry. IT head and winegrower in one.
We do not need to have a doctorate in epi- The basic procedure for the solution is to
demiology to make it clear to us that the best connect directly to the home router using a
protection against coronavirus is keeping our cable. If this is not possible, find a spot where
contact with the general public to the mini- the home Wi-Fi router has a sufficient signal.
mum necessary. Thanks to that, we are finding Think about whether you didn‘t spare to much
out how much work we can do from home. I expense on the tariff (plan). What was enough
also live and work in the countryside, I deal before the pandemic for normal household
with the development of high-speed internet. operation may not be enough for your home-
I mean the speeds that are sufficient for eve- -office. There are several times more people
ryday work with data, video conferencing and connected to the network at once than when
web meetings. they were all at work! The „consumption“ of
If I can handle the necessary business data networks has increased dramatically pre-
meetings by video conferencing, I can devote cisely as a result of distance learning and the
myself to the vineyard in my free time. After all, transfer of work activities to home-offices.
the basic work tools of a winemaker currently When we have our connection resolved, we
include, in addition to a hoe and scissors, also are getting to the programs themselves.
a computer ... I have personally tried all of those I wri-
The pandemic and the measures associa- te about and I use most of them on various
ted with it have taught people to deal with a occasions. Each service has its pros and cons,
large part of small work meetings in a virtual so I chose the ones that can be conveniently
environment. This is 100 percent applicable to used without much user training and which
smaller teams. Video conferencing also works do not have large requirements for the com-
well for large teams but having many people puter itself - a basic laptop with a processor at
in the virtual „room“ is more likely to cause the level of Intel i3 and 4GB of RAM is enough
technical issues that make meetings difficult as a terminal.
and uncomfortable.
A golden rule applies: Stability is important! PROGRAMS ARE YOUR TOOLS
It is not possible to work on the Internet, You have Skype installed on every Win-
which fluctuates and interrupts connections. dows PC. It is now already owned by Micro-